Chapter 40

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Kimba's slept through most of the day, and I'm pretty glad about it. When she's awake, she has a headache, and her voice has gone all croaky. I hate seeing her ill, and I have to leave for my meeting tomorrow. I feel really guilty about going, but she keeps insisting that she'll be okay without me. It is a really important meeting.

I decide to make an egg fried rice for dinner. It's pretty simple, so I think I'll manage to pull it off without poisoning anyone or causing any deaths. I put my headphones in, listening to some old cheesy pop songs and dancing around the kitchen as I cook.

Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder and I nearly sh!t myself. I drop my ipod, the earphones falling out, and all I can hear is Kimba laughing at me.

"Having fun there?" she giggles, a cheeky look on her face.

"You scared the bloody life out of us!" I exclaim, pouting.

This just makes her giggle harder, and I give in, giggle a bit too.

"How comes you're awake missus? You're supposed to be resting" I question.

"I woke up and smelt the dinner, so I came to see how long it would be"

"About fifteen minutes. Go snuggle up on the sofa, we can watch a film whilst we eat" I smile, as she shuffles into the living room in my slippers. She needs to get out of the habit of wearing my pjs and get some of her own!

I finish up the dinner and put it into bowls, taking them through into the living room. Kimba's loooking through my film collection, choosing one to watch.

"Any good ones?" I ask.

"How about.. Mean Girls?"

"What? You have that on DVD?" I giggle.

"Don't laugh, I love that film! Hve you seen it?"

"Once maybe? Isn't it for teenage girls?"

"We're teenagers at heart" she insists, and I shrug.

"Okay, go for it"

I'm quite suprised when we watch the film at how much I enjoy it. I'm also suprised at the fact that Kimba literally knows almost every single line. In the whole film.

"How many times have you seen that?" I question her as the credits roll.

"Maybe be a few too many" ahe admits.

"You could say that again!" I say, eyebrows raised.

"Well I like it so" she says, poking her tongue out.

"Cheeky!" I gasp, ticking her sides as she squeals.

"Stop!" she gasps, in between giggles.

"Don't be so cheeky then!" I reply, being ruthless.

"Okay! I'm sorry!" she cries as she surrenders. I stop ticking her and let her catch her breath, smiling.

"You tired babe?" I ask.

"No, I've slept most of the day.. are you?"

"Not yet. Want to put one more film on?"

"Sounds lovely. You choose this time"

I go over to her large shelf of films, reading through them all.

"Monsters Inc?" I suggest.

"Ahh, go on then" she smiles, and I smile back. I have a big soft spot for disney films.

We snuggle up and watch it together, and by the time it's finished, Kimba's fallen asleep again on my lap. I gently scoop her up in my arms, and she stirs slightly.


"You fell asleep during the film, I'm putting you in bed again"

"Okay" she replies, closing her eyes again.

She lets me tuck her into bed and falls back to sleep instantly. I go back into the living room, putting the DVDs away and then taking our dinner bowls out to the kitchen. I do the washing up and decide I had better go to bed myself, I have to be up early for the morning.

As I lay in bed, I find myself worrying over Kimba. How stupid, I need to stop! She has a cold and I'm going to be gone for one night. We'll probably be texting back and forth all night anyway, there's nothing to stress over.

I can't believe this is happening though. I never thought I would find this again. Someone I love so much, I stress and worry and care for them endlessly. I would do anything for my Kimba, and it feels nice.



I feel the bed move beside me and slowly wake up. Cheryl's climbing out, and I remember that she has to leave for her meetings.

"Wait" I say, sitting up suddenly and making my head spin. I don't have a headache anymore, but my voice is going a bit.

She looks around, concerned.

"I want a hug" I say, feeling like a small child.

She crawls back into bed with me and wraps her arms around me, kissing me on the top of the head.

"If you need me to come back, just call me" she whispers, stroking my hair.

It melts my heart how caring she is, I love her so much.

With one last hug, she gets out of bed and gets ready. Without realising, I fall back to sleep. I don't hear the door slam shut as she leaves.

But when I wake up again, I feel lonely.

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