Chapter 30

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Part of me is kind of glad that me and Kimba had that argument, I think it's made us stronger. She keeps making me sing to her, and I'm getting more and more comfortable with it. I'm also in the process of writing her a song, but I'm saving that for valentines day.

Kimba's being so so strong. She talks about Amy all the time, random anecdotes and memories, and its really nice to hear her talking about her like that She looks so happy when she does, her whole face lighting up as she goes back to the memory. She cries sometimes, and I cuddle her until she's done and got it out of her system. I'm so proud of her.

Valentines day is coming on fast and I only have a week to finalise my plans. I have a big surprise for her and I can't wait for it.

"What do you want for dinner tonight?" Kimba asks as she comes into the living room, putting two cups of tea down on the table.

"I don't mind, it's up to you"

"How about I make you a nice lasagna?"

"Ooh yes please" I smile.

Kim's cooking is pretty amazing, I love it when she makes me dinner. It's also annoying, because I can't cook to save my life, and we would probably end up in A&E if I tried to cook us something nice.

She goes into the kitchen and begins to prepare it whilst I distractedly watch the television. I flick through the channels, trying to find something good to watch. One of the main things I miss from England is not being able to watch Coronation Street. It was my favourite programme and I can't watch it anymore over here. Before I can decide what to watch, my phone starts ringing in my bag. I pull it out of my pocket and look at the caller ID. Seeing that it's my Mum, I answer.

"Heya pet, how have you been?"

"Not bad, how are you?"

"I"m alright. Look, there's something I think you should know about.."

My heart sinks, knowing that it's bad news.

"What's happened?"

"There's been in article in the news about Kimberley's sister comitting suicide.. is it true?"

"Yes" I sigh. I feel so bad for dragging Kimba into my world of the press and paparazzi, I know how much she's still hurting.

"I thought you had a right to know and decide if you should tell Kim."

"I think she has a right to know" I decide. "Can you explain to her in case she has any questions?"

"Of course pet"

I get up and go into the kitchen with the phone.

"Kimba? My Mam wants to talk to you a second"

She looks confused as I hand her the phone and walk out, leaving them to it. I don't want to intrude.

Half an hour later and she still hasn't come back into the living room, so I go into the kitchen. Kim's sitting on the floor, leaning her back up against the balcony door. Her head is tilted back and her eyes shut, and I can clearly see her face is tear stained.

I go over to her and sit beside her, simply holding on to her hand to support her. After a few minutes she doesn't do anything, so I squeeze her hand gently. She squeezes back tightly and opens her eyes, looking at me.

"Sorry" she says quietly.

"Don't be sorry, it's okay to be upset. I'm sorry for this, it's my fault the media even care about you"

"Don't be silly, it's worth it" she smiles, kissing me gently.

I stand up, holding my hands out and pulling her up too.

"I'll finish the dinner" she smiles, so I go back to watching the television, taking my phone with me.



I dish the lasagne up on to two plates and take it through to Cheryl, who's sitting on the sofa in her own little world.

"Glass of red?"


I put the plates down and go back into the kitchen, pouring two glasses of wine and taking them through. We eat our dinner and sip our wine in comfortable silence, watching television, just enjoying eachother's company.

"You okay now?" Cheryl asks, reffering to earlier.

I simply nod my head, not really wanting to talk about it.

Joan had basically said that a couple of newspapers had found out about Amy's death, but they over dramatized it. They said that Cheryl 'took me under her wing' and looked after me after I ran away from my 'troubled family'. They also knew about my Dad, but claimed that he'd killed himself too. It was all a load of rubbbish and lies, but it still gets to me. I really wish it didn't, but I can't help it. It's getting me down and making me so angry, which makes me feel weak for letting it upset me. I sigh, pushing the thoughts to the back of my head.

Cheryl takes the plates out and washes up, and we both have another glass of wine each. I take a look in the fridge and find a large chocolate cake and decide we both deserve some.

"I'll do that" Cheryl says as I begin to cut the cake, so I let her take over.

I begin to dry the dishes and suddenly Cheryl wraps one arm around me, holding me still, and squashes a large slice of chocolate cake into my face.

I splutter as my mouth, nose and eyes are all smothered in chocolate and cream, and all I can hear is Cheryl's evil laugh. I wipe my hand over my face and run to the cake, picking up a slice and getting her back, managing to also mush it into her hair.

"You little sh!t!" she cries.

She goes to grab another piece of cake, but treads on a lump of cream on the floor and slides over, pulling me down with her.

She shrieks, laying on top of me, and I roll us both over so she's beneath me. I start to lick the chocolate and cream from her face as she squeals and wriggles under me, but i'm stronger than her.

"Kimba stooooopppp!" she whines, and I shut her up with a long, deep kiss.

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