Chapter 18

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I keep thinking over what Kimba said. I trust her completely, and I know if she says I'll be safe, I will. But there's so much that could go wrong. I really want her to patch it up with her family, but it's going to be horrific to go back to the UK.

I sigh, staring up at the ceiling. I've spent the past three nights awake, thinking about it. I hate the idea of going back there, but deep down, I know I have to sooner or later. I have to go back at some point, best to get it over with. And I have to do it for Kim. I know she'd do it for me in a heartbeat, I know I have to be there for her.

I sigh to myself once more and roll over, cuddling into Kim. I guess my decision is made.

I wake up the next morning and find her already awake, having some toast in the living room.

"Morning you"


"Babe.. I've made a decision"

She looks up at me expectantly.

"I'll come to England with you"

She puts her plate down and leaps up, throwing her arms around my neck and squeezing my tightly.

"I love you so so much"

Just hearing her say that makes it all feel worth it.

"I don't want to change my mind, so we need to sort out details" I say quickly.

She pulls away and we sit on the sofa.

"When did you want to go?"

"I was thinking beginning of next month?"

My mouth falls open slightly.

"But that's like, a week away?!"

"I just want to do it babe. And quick"

I sigh, looking at her puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, fine" I mumble, still unhappy about how soon it was.

"Come on, if we leave it longer we'll put ourselves off, you said it yourself. This was your idea in the first place!"

I know she's right really. She goes over to the computer in the corner of the room an starts tapping away at the keyboard.

"Is four nights long enough?"

"Too long if you ask us" I grumble.

"I'm taking that as a yes"

I sit in silence as she carries on typing.

"Are your family in London?"

"No, Newcastle"


A few minutes later comes back over, printouts in her hand.

"We go in a week. Spend the first night in a hotel in London, the next night in a hotel in Newcastle, then Bradford the night after, then London again before we fly back. And I've rented out a car"

She hands me the sheets of paper and I sit slightly speechless at how quickly she organised it all.

"This is it Chez. No backing out now"

And I feel sick, because I know she's right.

I'm counting down the days until we leave and I'm beyond nervous. I just feel like this could break me and Kim, and I don't want it to. I know I've come so far since we met, and the past few months have gone so fast. I just don't want to end up stuck in a rut again, back to my old habits.

I'm also terrified of Ashley finding me. He sounded so angry over the phone that time, and I don't feel safe being in the same country as him.

And I'm going to have to tell my family about me and Kimba. I love her to bits, she makes me so happy, and I'm not ashamed of her.. I'm just scared of how they'll react to me being with another woman.

The same thoughts buzz around my head over and over, and as the day draws closer, I feel like I'm going to go mad.



I can tell Chez is driving herself silently mad, overthinking our trip to England way too much. I have a completely different mindset to her though.

We're going for 4 nights, that's it. If it goes badly, it's just 4 days that we can both push to the back of our minds and come home. Move on with our lives. I really and truly believe that whatever happens, we're going to be alright. I wish she would believe that too.

The day before we leave, we make a quick trip to Cheryl's house. Ever since she moved in she's just been living in my pj's and the few pairs of clothes she'd bought, but we need to go back to get more stuff to pack.

The house is still in a mess when we arrive, and after a while I can tell Cheryl isn't comfortable being here.

"You get back in the car, I'll grab your stuff"


She smiles at me gratefully and goes back to the car.

I go around the large house, grabbing some random clothes and shoving them into a bag. Her wardrobe is pretty huge and I smile to myself, having a brilliant idea.

I pick out every short dress and low cut top that I can find and put them all in the bag. I'll certainly thank myself for that later.

I go back to the car with the bag of stuff, throwing it in the boot, and we drive home in silence.

Laying in bed that night, I'm worried. Even though she's barely said a word about it, I can tell Cheryl's pretty torn up about tomorrow. I roll over to face her, kissing her suddenly and taking her by surprise.

"Baby, please stop worrying. I know we'll be fine"

"I just want it to be over quickly" she whispers.

"It will be, I promise. I think it will do us both good. Thank you for suggesting it, honestly"

"You're welcome" she mumbles, but I can tell that she regrets it.

I hope I can prove to her that it's a good idea.

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