Chapter 35

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We spend the night laughing away. Neither of us are tired, so we mess about, showing each other funny YouTube videos on our phones, and just talking about anything and everything.

"So what's the most embarrasing thing that you've ever done?" I ask with a smirk.

"Probably have loud sex in a plane toilet" she scowls, making me giggle.

"Ha ha ha, hilarious. Seriously though, what is it?" I push.

"I'm not sure.. the first time I used a tampon, I put it up my arse by accident" she confesses, making me howl with laughter, gasping for breath with tears in my eyes.

"You cannot be serious! You idiot!" I laugh, and she laughs along too at her own idiocy.

"I've never even told anyone that before" she confesses, making me smile.

"Go on, what's yours?" she asks "Anything embarrassing happen on stage?"

I try hard to think of one, but I can't remember any.

"I think I've been pretty lucky to be honest, I can't really remember anything horrific happening to me on stage"

"We'll see about that" Kimba smirks, and opens up the youtube app.

She types into the search bar 'Cheryl Cole embarrassing moments' and I let out a long groan as the results flash up. Over 2,000 videos. It's going to be a long night.



I begin to yawn and suddenly realise that the sun's coming up. I look at the time and see it's 7.30AM.

"Look at the time!" I exclaim, and Cheryl gasps when she realises that we've been up all night.

"Well, we can't sleep now, we have a busy day ahead of us" Cheryl smirks.

"What? What are we doing?"

"You'll see! But there's an hour and a half long coach journey, so you can have a kip then" she smirks, continuing to be secretive.

I get out of bed and get ready, throwing my hair into a quick ponytail and putting on some mascara; it's too hot for a full face of makeup. I pull on some high waisted denim shorts and a white crop top, with some white flip flops. Cheryl wears a gorgeous yellow maxi dress, leaving her hair flowing around her face with no makeup on. She looks gorgeous, as usual. We grab our bags and sunglasses, heading downstairs into the restaurant for breakfast.

As we climb onto the coach, I feel the air conditioning hit me, and I breathe a sigh of releif. The sun is scorching hot and as lovely as it is, it's leaving us both extremely hot.

"Are we going to be out all day?" I ask Cheryl.

"No, its 9 now so.. we should be back at about 3PM. Fancy a dip in the pool then?"

"Sounds perfect" I smile as we find a pair of empty seats near the back of the coach. We wait until it fills up, and then we drive away from the hotel, to our mystery destination, and I begin to get excited.

"Kimba.. babe, wake up"

My eyes shoot open and I stretch and yawn.

"Look, we're nearly there" Cheryl says excitedly, pointing out of the window.

I look out and see that the coach is heading up along a huge mountain, and the city looks small beneath us We're surrounded by trees, everywhere green, and we're so high, the clouds are in front of us instead of above us. I can't help but gasp at the beautiful sight.

"Woah. Where are we going then?"

"To the Montserrat Monastery! I saw it online and it looked truly beautiful, so I booked it. There's a large monastery and it's gorgeous inside, and the views are stunning" she beams proud of her idea.

"I love you so much" I smile, kissing her gently on the lips.

Minutes later, the coach stops, and everyone gets off. The driver informs us that the coach will be leaving again at 1.30, so we had to be back at that time or they's leave without us.

We walk about, and find a platform with a railing. We go over to the railing where the cliff drops, and look over the city of Barcelona, literally surrounded by clouds. It's truly magical, and I struggle to find any words. I feel Cheryl's hand slip into mine as we take in the amazing scenery, and I turn to her and see a huge smile across her face.

"This is amazing. You're amazing" I whisper, still in awe. I kiss her lightly, and we follow the crowds further up the mountain, towards the monastery. The walk is uphill, making my legs ache, but the view is even more spectacular when we reach the top.

There is a large building in front of us, with a long queue outside. We stand and wait, and the queue goes quicker than I expect. We enter the large building in no time. It's like a huge church, with rows of pews and organ music echoing around. There is complete silence apart from the music, and it feels like everyone in the room is holding their breath. The ceiling is high, in domes, and there are beautiful pictures on the wall. Even though neither of us are religious, it still feels breathtaking, and we sit on a pew for a while, in silence, taking it all in.

A while later, I can tell that Cheryl's getting bored, so I stand up and she does too. We leave quietly, and as soon as we step outside, she pulls me into a long hug.

"I love you" she says, slightly teary eyed.

"Why are you getting emotional you numpty?" I giggle.

"Shush and kiss me" she replies, pecking me on the lips.

We spend a while looking at the view again, and we take some photos of the view, so we can remember this day for a long time in the future.

Before we know it, it's time to go back to the coach.

"Thank you for booking this, it was so lovely" I smile.

"You're very welcome! I can't wait for you to see what we're doing tomorrow" she smiles, and I can't help but feel my heart swell at how thoughtful she is. There's no doubt that she cares about me.


Hope you're enjoying it so far! Shoutout to my friend Sophie aka 'Spesh' who actually put a tampon up her bum.

Also, all of the places the girls go to in Spain, I have been to. Google them to see pics for a better description.

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