Chapter 1

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"This isn't working! It's a waste of me time, a waste of me money and I'm not going back!" I shout down the phone.

I hear my Mum on the other end of the line trying to argue back, but I just end the call, still furious. Counselling is pointless. The woman I speak to is nosey and thinks she knows everything about me, and trying to talk about the past isn't helping anything. I'm still not going to go back to England and my Mum can't make me. I can feel tears stinging at the back of my eyes, but I am determined not to cry until I'm back in the safety of my home. I put the key into the ignition, turn it and the car makes a sputtering noise, not starting. I try several more times, eventually giving up. Punching the steering wheel, I give in and burst into tears. I rest my head on the steering wheel, quietly sobbing.

Suddenly, there is a loud tapping on my window. I look up, embarrassed that someone would see me in such a state, but I calm down slightly when I see it was Kimberley. Just seeing her there makes everything a little better. I open the door slowly and she greets me with a smile, asks what is wrong and if she can help me. Overwhelmed with all of the problems and emotions swirling around in my head, I can't help but burst into tears again, wishing I could just disappear.



After calming herself down, Cheryl explains to me that her car won't start. It's pretty clear to me that there are more reasons to why she's crying, but I don't want to seem nosey. I can't help but worry about her.

"How about you come to mine? I can call someone out from there to come and fix your car for you" I suggest.

She looks up at me tearfully, nodding.

"Thanks, as long as you're sure."

I smile at her, and she gets out of the car, wipes her eyes and locks it. We walk back to my house in silence, slightly awkwardly. I begin to wonder if this was a weird situation. I haven't really known Cheryl that long, just a couple of months, and we've only had short conversations once a week. I don't really know much about her. But, regardless of how odd it might be, I know I have to let her stay at mine. If I had left her crying, I never would've been able to forgive myself.

I slow down as we reach my block of flats and Cheryl hangs back slightly, letting we walk ahead and show her into the complex and then into my flat. I go straight through to the kitchen, flicking the switch and turning on the kettle, and then into the living room, showing Cheryl the way.

Slowly looking around, I watch her take it all in. She takes a seat on the sofa and I sit down next to her, smiling inside at how close we are.

"Thank you again for letting us stay, sorry to be a pain like this" Cheryl says, her eyes still slightly watery from crying.

"It's no problem! I think I'm going to order a Chinese takeaway, what would you like?"

Cheryl looks away from my gaze and mumbles she's not hungry.

I quickly order the food on my phone, buying a little extra in case Cheryl changes her mind.

"Want me to show you the bedroom? I can get you some pyjamas and a spare toothbrush too" I suggest.

"Sounds great, thanks"

We walk upstairs into my room, and I find her a spare toothbrush and a pair of my pyjamas. She looks a similar size to me so I assume they will fit.

Grabbing a pair of pyjamas for myself, I leave her to it, going into the bathroom and putting them on.

As I enter back into the bedroom, she looks confused.

"Isn't this your room?" she asks, seeming concerned.

"Yeah, it's okay, I can sleep on the couch tonight" I insist.

"I'm the guest! I would feel rude taking your bed! I can sleep on the couch, it's fine.."

I shake my head at her and go to protest but she butts in.

"Fine, at least share the double in here with us? We can both fit, then you don't have to sleep on the couch!"

I feel the butterflies in my stomach take off as I slowly nod my head.

"Yeah okay, thats a great idea."

The doorbell rings indicating the food has arrived, so I smile at Cheryl and go to the door to get it.

Whilst I'm dishing it on to plates, Cheryl comes into the kitchen, having also changed into her pj's.

"Change your mind?" I ask, offering her a plate.

"No thanks, I'm just going for a fag". She smiles and goes onto the balcony, sitting on the bare concrete floor with her legs crossed, lighting up a cigarette.

Half an hour later, when I've finished my dinner, I find Cheryl still on the balcony smoking. She has about 5 cigarette butts next to her, making it clear she's been chain smoking, and her eyes stare into the distance, at nothing. Trying not to startle her, I open the door slowly. She looks up at me, a sad smile on her face, and puts out her cigarette.

"Aren't you cold?" I wonder aloud. It's quite chilly for december and she has no jacket on, only the thin pyjamas.

"I'm alright, I'll come in now" She says, following me back into the kitchen. She puts her lighter and cigarettes down on the table, looking up and noticing me staring.

"Still not hungry?"

"No I'm fine thank you"

"Are you okay?"

She looks away, her eyes filling with tears. I can't help but go and hug her. I pull her close to me, holding onto her and she quietly sobs onto my shoulder. After a while, she pulls away. I notice the butterflies in my stomach have returned.

"I think I just want to go to bed now".

Her eyes are red and puffy and she looks exhausted.

"Come on then" I say, going into the bedroom with her.

I go into the bathroom first, brushing my teeth, and by the time I go back to tell Cheryl that the bathroom's free, she's curled up in bed, already asleep.

Making sure she doesn't wake, I crawl in next to her and turn off the light. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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