Chapter 38

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Kimba manages to drag me on to almost every ride at the theme park. I hate big roller coasters, but they're not as bad when I'm squeezing her hand. There's one ride I don't think I'll ever forget. It's a huge roller coaster, and as we go up, we can see the city of Barcelona from the amazing view. It's so high, and as we go down, I scream so loud I get dirty looks from the people behind.

After a long and tiring afternoon, we get back on to the coach and head back to the hotel. Kimba falls asleep on the journey, her head resting on my shoulder as her chest rises and falls gently with her breathing. I just watch her asleep, brushing a hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear. She look so beautiful and peaceful as she sleeps, and I love it.

Quietly as I can, I take my phone from my bag and quickly snap a picture of her, sound asleep on my shoulder. Then I take a selfie, me poking my tongue out whilst she rests peacefully beside me. I can't help but smile at the picture, setting it as my lock screen, knowing it will make me happy every time I turn my phone on.

The drive drags, every minute feeling like ten. I really want to wake Kimba up, but at the same time I know I can't, she looks to cute.

After what feels like forever, we arrive back at the hotel. I gently shake Kimba awake.

"We're back Sleeping Beauty" I smile as she groans and rubs her eyes.

We get off of the coach, and go straight up to our room. Just as the nights before, I order us both room service for dinner, and Kimba gets in the shower. She's being a bit quiet, but I guess she's just tired after a long day. I sit and play games on my phone whilst waiting for the food, and when I finally hear a knock on the door, I jump up. I get the food and realise how hungry I am.

"Kimba, food's here!" I call, and hear her switch the shower off.

I hop on to the bed and start eating, a gorgeous paella, and minutes later she comes out of the bathroom and joins me.

We eat in silence, and every two minutes, she keeps yawning.

"You alright babe?" I ask her, slightly concerned.

"Yeah, just tired. You mind if I go straight to bed?"

"Not a problem. I'm getting in the shower"

I go and get in the shower whilst she snuggles up in bed, and by the time I come back, she's fast asleep. I crawl in next to her and she automatically wraps her arms around me, and I pull her close to me. Kissing her gently on the head, I whisper into her ear softly

"Good night princess"

And I'm pretty sure she smiles at me in her sleep.



The next few days of our holiday fly past in a blur of sun and happiness. We go to the beach, spend time by the pool and go into Barcelona and shop. On the last night, we stay up again and gossip, sharing childhood stories and anecdotes again, until we realise that our flight is in an hour and we haven't even packed.

"Ah sh!t.. have you seen my bag?" I panic.

"Which one?"

"The big one I took to the beach"

"Where do you last remember having it?"

"On the beach!" I remember, wondering if I left it there.

"Calm down, it's here" Cheryl giggles, pulling it out from under the bed. I breathe a sigh of releif and take it from her, putting it in the suitcase. I've had the best holiday ever, but I still can't wait to get home. I haven't been feeling 100% right these past few days, feel like I have a cold coming on.

Yawning, I put the last of my things in to my case and do the zip up. Cheryl still has clothes and belongings all over the place, her side of the bed in a mess. Quickly as we can, we try and organize her things and put them into the case. We zip it up, double check around the room to make sure we have everything, and wheel our suitcases out.

We hurry down the stairs, running to make sure we don't miss our coach. Cheryl checks out and pays the final bill from all of our room service, and we rush outside, making it just in time. The driver puts our suitcases into the boot, and we climb on, finding the last two seats left at the back. We sit down with a sigh, relieved we managed to make it.

The coach drives off, and we begin our journey home.

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