Chapter 15

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The sound of fireworks echoes around us and our lips meet. I hold her tight, cold out on the balcony, as we kiss passionately.

She pulls away and her whole face is lit up with a smile.

"Happy New Year baby!" I squeal, excited.

"Happy New Year" she smiles, and I'm glad to see her smiling.

Ever since christmas, something hasn't felt right with Kim, but I can't put my finger on it. It just seems like she's sad when I'm not looking, but as soon as she realises I am, she smiles again.

We stand on the balcony, hand in hand, watching the fireworks exploding with colour all around us. I begin to shiver slightly and Kim notices, putting her arm around me.

After a while, we go back inside and I make us both hot chocolates and take them into the bedroom to Kim.

When I walk in, she's staring at nothing and she looks worried. As soon as she notices I've walked in, she plasters a smile on her face.

I put the cups down and pull her into a hug, both of us flopping down onto the bed. I tuck strands of loose hair behind her ears and stare into her eyes.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Nothing" she replies, but she can't look me in the eyes as she says it.


"I'm fine"

She pulls me into a deep kiss, and everything else melts away, she's all I can focus on. The world fades away, and we're the only two people that exist, she's the only one who matters and I can't get enough of her.

I'm woken in the night by Kim's constant tossing and turning. I roll over to her and watch her, and every few seconds she rolls over, her face anxious. I gently shake her awake, afraid she's having a nightmare.

"Kimba.. baby, wake up"

She moans, still half asleep as she opens her eyes and looks at me, confused.

"I don't know if I can do it" she mumbles.

"What? What can't you do?"

"Get help. Tell her. It feels bad" she whispers, and starts to cry quietly.

I have no clue what she's on about, but I pull her close to me as she cries, until she finally falls asleep.

What on earth could be wrong?



When I open my eyes, Cheryl is staring at me, looking confused.

"Morning babe"


She keeps looking at me like she's trying to figure something out, and I don't know what it is.

I roll over and can't help but notice the calendar. It's the 1st of January. That means 5 days. My stomach drops and I squeeze my eyes shut, trying desperately to forget.

"I'm going for a shower" I announce, and go quickly into the bathroom.

I turn the shower on and stand in the hot blast of water. I just need time to think. I sit at the bottom of the shower with my head in my hands, the water beating against my back. Tears begin to escape my eyes and I sigh, hopeless.

It's almost 2 years since my Dad died and I can't deal with it. I don't know how. It's even harder with Cheryl here, because I don't know if I can even talk about it, but she's going to know something's wrong.

It's such a weird feeling, the anniversary of something like that. It's the one day where that person is all you can think about. They take up your thoughts, everything you do, and you ask yourself all of the questions. Have you made them proud? Are they looking down on you? Would they hate the person you are now? And why. Why did it have to be them?

It still feels surreal. We never spoke about him after he died, it was like he never existed at all. Whenever I go to speak about him out loud it feels weird, the words won't come. It's like I haven't truly accepted he's gone. I don't think I ever will.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a loud banging on the bathroom door.

"Kimba? You've been half an hour, are you alright?"

She cares about me so much, I can't help but cry harder. How am I going to keep this from her? I can't, I know that, but how can I tell her?

Without warning, Cheryl walks in, and I realise I forgot to lock the door. She takes one look at me and I know I have some explaining to do.

She turns the water off and helps me out, wrapping a towel around me and kissing me lightly on the lips. We go into the bedroom and she takes the towel off of me, pulling on a fluffy white dressing gown. Taking my hand, she pulls me onto the bed, facing her.

"Kimba, what's going on?"

I sigh as I feel my eyes filling with tears and I simply shake my head, the words not coming out.

"Why? What have I done?". She sounds offended and upset, so I quickly pull her into a hug.

"It's hard to talk about" I whisper.

She squeezes me tightly.

"I just want to be here for you. Take your time"

She's so understanding, it makes me feel guilty.

"Guess and I can nod, but I can't say it, I can't make the words come out"

She pulls out of the hug.

"Is it to do with me?"

I shake my head.


I nod.

"Have they been in touch?"

I shake my head again.

"Is it.. is it to do with your Dad?"

I nod, looking away.

"Two years.." I whisper, and she instantly understands.


"No, on the 5th"

"Oh Kimba" she pulls me into a big bear hug again as I cry quietly into her shoulder. I'm so grateful she's here, it feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

"If you want to talk about it, I'll always be here to listen and I'll try and make it better, okay?"

I give her a kiss, hoping it shows all my thanks.

"Come on you, let's go get some breakfast" she says, pulling me off of the bed.

I can tell she's for keeps.


Sorry for no update yesterday, was a bit hard for me writing this chapter. I appreciate feedback! x

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