Chapter 47

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I go and find a nurse, getting annoyed at Kimba again without really meaning to. She needs to look after herself, she can't forget her pain medication like that. And she's clearly hiding things from me and it's irritating to not know what she's thinking. I wish she could just let me inside her head.

I sigh, following the nurse back to Kimba's room. I take a seat on her bed again whilst the nurse sorts out her drip. When it's just me and Kimba alone again, the silence is awkward. She doesn't make eye contact with my, just staring down at her hands, and I can tell there's a lot playing on her mind.

It bugs me so much, I want to help her. I want her to open up to me and tell the police what happened, so I can be by her side and Ashley can get arrested and we can all move on. But I know that it's going to take more than that and I don't know how to deal with it.

"How did your meeting go then?" Kimba asks quietly, seeming nervous to even talk to me.

"Yeah not bad I guess"

"What did you decide"

"I'm going to do some music stuff over here and keep it small. Write for some up and coming artists, do some small gigs in LA. They said they're not going to manage me anymore, but have dropped my name to a couple of other managers and see where it goes from there. I'm happy with it" I smile.

Looking at Kimba, I can tell she's glad that we don't have to go back to England, and so am I.

A nurse walks in, interrupting us.

"Kim Walsh?"

"That's me" Kimba replies.

"You can go soon, I've been told to take out your IV"

She takes the drip from her hand and begins packing things up around us, eager to kick us out as soon as possible.

"Excuse me, but surely you should check that's she's okay before just discharging her?" I ask, slightly aggitated.

The nurse shoots me a dirty look, glances at Kimba and says "Looks fine to me" and walks out.

My bad mood is instantly back, and I can't believe how easily they're dismissing Kimba.

"Can you even walk with your ribs like that?" I asked kimba.

Before she could answer my question, a doctor came through with a single crutch and some paperwork.

"This is for Kim" he says, passing me the crutch "and this is for you both to sign" he says, handing me the papers.

I read through them briefly, signing where appropriate, then I pass them to Kimba. The doctor taps his foot, impatient for us to finish.

Kimba passes back the papers and he smiles.

"Good, you're free to go" he says, and walks off.

I look over at Kimba and she looks as shocked as me at how quick that was. She pulls the duvet off of herself, slowly sitting up. She swings her legs over the side of the bed and I give her my arm to lean on as she stands up. Her fave scrunches and she's clearly in pain, but there's nothing I can do.

I hand her the crutch and she uses it to try and take a few steps. Tears come to her eyes, but she smiles at me. It doesn't reach her eyes.

We both make our way out of the hospital, Kimba using me and her crutch as support. We find a taxi out the front and I tell the driver where to go.

The journey feels long and we sit in silence. I can tell Kimba's in pain, and I can't wait to get back indoors so I can tuck her into bed with some painkillers.

We finally arrive back home, and I pay the taxi driver. I get out of the car and go around to Kimba's side, helping her out. She looks so exhausted, and I dread the flights of stairs up to the flat. 

We struggle up the stairs, and Kimba has tears running down her face. We reach the front door, and she pauses, her face going white. I realise that this might be traumatic for her, going back into the flat.

"Can you do this?" I ask her.

She simply takes the key out of my hand, puts it in the lock and opens the door. I help her inside, and we walk slowly down the hallway, and I can tell it's taking a lot for her to stay calm. How can everything be so broken so fast?



"You want me to help you into some pj's?" Cheryl asks, and I want to say yes but I can't. I feel sick of being helpless already.

"I'm going to have a shower actually" I say, eyes on the floor. If I look her in the eyes, I know I'll crumble.

"Oh.. okay, if you're sure you're up to it. I'll leave some pj's on the heater for you in the bathroom. Then I can make us some lunch and we can watch a film in bed?" she suggests, and I simply agree.

She comes and puts some pyjamas in the bathroom for me then leaves me to it, still looking concerned. I close the door and as soon as it's locked, I let the tears fall from my eyes. I'm fed up of being so useless, incapable of anything without Cheryl's help, and she must be sick of me my now too.

I take my time in the shower, crying quietly the whole time. Being in the shower was okay, but the hallway and the bedroom.. just thinking about them makes me shudder from the memories. My ribs are on fire again, but I concentrate in the pain there to keep my mind off of things.

I get out of the shower, towel drying my hair. I go to get dressed and realise that Cheryl forgot to get me any underwear. I pull a towel around me and unlock the door, walking slowly into the bedroom, struggling without the crutch.

I find my favourite pair of underwear and go back into the bathroom, not bothering to lock the door again as I get dressed.

I hear footsteps down the hallway, and the door opens slowly.

"Hey babe, you alright?" Cheryl asks, and I turn around, still just wearing my knickers.

She gasps, her hands flying to her mouth as she sees my bruised and swollen middle for the first time, and she look as if she's going to cry.

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