Chapter 41

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I drive down the long road, nervous about this evening. This meeting means a lot to me, my career depends on it.

I can't really see it going how I want it to. It would be really hard for me to continue making music from here to sell in the UK. I doubt they'll let me do it, but I have to try at least.

Even if the news is bad though, I think I'll be okay with it. Obviously I'll have to find a job or something, but I'll manage. The fame is too much to handle in the UK now, and I'm happy with my life right now. I can still make music, it'll just be for me and Kimba though.

I've seen some people build small audiences online, so maybe I could put some videos of me up on youtube. That way, people can hear my music still and appreciate it, but they won't be able to bombard me in person. I smile, realising this is what I want to do.

I just want this meeting over and done with. I can tell they're not going to be very pleased with my choice to leave them, but who cares? Not me. It's my life, and I have to do what makes me happy. I have to do this for me and Kimba.



When I wake up, it's early afternoon. I crawl out of bed, feeling a little better than yesterday. I make myself a cheese sandwich and go into the living room, putting on the television. The house feels crazily empty, but the quiet is also kind of nice. I decide to text Cheryl.

Hope your meeting goes how you want it to. Love you. Miss you. Xxxxx

She replies back almost instantly.

Love you and miss you. Will see you tomorrow, xxx

I smile at the message and turn my attention back to the TV, old reruns of friends playing. After a while, I get bored and decide to run myself a bubble bath.

I sink into the hot water, relaxing in the bubbles. I breathe deeply, closing my eyes. This is the life.

Once I'm clean, I climb out and wrap myself in a big fluffy towel. I dry myself and put on some pyjamas, snuggly and warm. I decide I might as well paint my nails, and find a gorgeous pink polish in one of Cheryl's draws. I know she loves it, but she won't mind me using it I'm sure.

I go back into the living room once more, becoming slightly bored. It feels so empty without Cheryl here, nobody to talk to or give me a cuddle whenever I want one. I decide to go on my laptop for a bit.

I switch it on and browse the web, playing on stupid games websites and checking my emails. Then I check the news, reading some stories and seeing what's going on. I like to keep up to date and know whats happening.

i click on a globe icon and change the location to the UK, seeing what's happening over there too. One particular story catches my eye, as it has a picture of Ashley on it. I click the article, reading it and smirking.

According to what it says, Ashley went on a drunk rampage and got kicked out of several nightclubs after starting random fights. He's now hiding away, because the media are destroying him. I laugh out loud to myself. This is complete karma for everything he's done to Cheryl, and it even makes me slightly happy to see he's on a downwards spiral. Does that make me evil? Maybe. i don't really care.

My stomach rumbles and I look at the time, realising it's now after 7pm. I put my laptop away and go and make myself a pizza. I think about Cheryl again; her meeting would have finished by now. I really hope that it's gone well for her.

I eat my dinner and find myself yawning, tired once more. I wash up the dirty dishes and go climb into bed. Just as I close my eyes, I hear a loud thumping noise above me, like a baseline. The people in the flat above have decided to play extremely loud music. Brilliant.

Hlaf an hour later, and the music is still playing. But now, I've heard several loud people going past my door and up the stairs. Sounds like they're having a party. Lovely. I sigh and pull the duvet over my head, trying to get to sleep.

My eyes open suddenly. I can still hear the music above me, thumping away. Is that what woke me up? I look at the time on the clock, and it says 2AM. I groan, knowing it's going to take me ages to get back to sleep again. Then, I hear a banging noise. It sounds like someone's banging on my door. I hold my breath slightly. Probably some drunken idiot from the party above, messing around.

It happens again. And again. And again. Persistent banging. Someone's trying to get in, and not giving up. I hold my breath, willing it to stop, until I hear another bang, louder than the rest. They've broken in.

I hear the door slam shut again, and I lay still, confused. If they're trying to rob me, why have they shut the door behind them. I hear heavy footsteps down the hallway, coming closer and closer to my room. I don't breathe. The bedroom door creaks open. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to breathe slowly, pretending to be asleep.

One step, two steps, three. I feel a the presence of a figure standing next to the bed, looming above my. I take a deep breath, knowing I'm going to have to open my eyes.

Slowly I open them, and look up.

And I finally let out a scream as I meet eyes with Ashley.

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