Chapter 25

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A few times during the night, I'm woken by Kimba shuffling into me, crying. I hold her tightly, rubbing her softly on the back and kissing her forehead until she falls asleep again. I hate seeing her like this, and I wish I could just make it all better for her, but I know I can't.

All through the night, once Kimba's asleep, I keep getting the same thought reoccurring in my head. I know it's probably stupid, but it won't go away. The way she was so ready to go and live with her Mum, how she offered to with no hesitation.

I know, it's stupid, she's her Mum for goodness sakes. I just feel slightly betrayed. Like all of my efforts and love might have been for nothing.

I know it's ridiculous, but it's playing with my mind and eating me up slowly, and I don't know what to do.



Every beep of the alarm feels like a knife stabbing me in the brain.

"Turn it off" I moan sleepily, and it turns off immediately.

I slowly open my eyes, and the bright light doesn't help my pounding headache. Slowly my memory comes back to me and I realise I've been up crying most of the night.

Cheryl hugs me from behind, which makes me want to go back to sleep even more, but I know I can't. I just want to get home now, so I force myself up out of bed.

As I get changed, I ask myself how I'm feeling, and I'm not sure. I feel kind of.. okay I guess, but I know if I start thinking about it, I'll cry again.

I brush my teeth and pull my hair up into a quick ponytail, not bothering with makeup.

When I come out of the bathroom, Cheryl is on the bed, chewing her nails worriedly. She looks as exhausted as I feel, and I feel bad for keeping her up during the night.

"Babe.. are you okay? You look so tired, are you gonna be alright to drive?"

"Yeah" she smiles sadly "I'll get some coffee and I'll be fine"

I go over and sit beside her, and we both hug tightly, holding each other together.

She slowly pulls away and puts her lips to mine, and we kiss gently. I sigh, loving every moment and feeling so safe, all of my thoughts and worries melting away.

After an eternity, I pull away.

"We should get going" I remind her, and she simply nods, getting up and putting the last bits into the suitcases. She zips them both up and we grab one each, heading downstairs to check out.

As soon as we step out of the hotel doors, we're blinded by the flashes of photographers. I keep my head down and hurry to the car, blocking them out and not hearing what they're saying. But then I hear one shouting something at me, not Cheryl.

"Kimberley, how do you feel about losing your little sister? If you were here 2 weeks ago, you could have saved her"

I quickly throw my case into the boot and jump into the passenger seat, Cheryl doing the same and getting behind the wheel and screeching away.

I stare out of the window and can't help it as the tears slide down my face. I feel Cheryl's hand on my thigh and I look over at her.

"I wish I wasn't driving so I could hug you. Was it the paps?" she asks.

"Just.. what they said"

"They said something about you?"

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"One knew about Amy" I whisper.

"What?! What did they say?" She cries, outraged.

"I can't say it" I sniff.

How could they know about Amy? Nobody even knows I'm with Cheryl romantically, so why are they so interested in me? Why do I matter to them so much, and how do they know this much about me? I sigh, rubbing my temples.

"Right, screw spending one more night here. I'm going to get us on a plane back to LA today" Cheryl decides, and I agree. I don't want to be in this country a second longer than I have to.


I open my eyes and stretch, realising I must have fallen asleep.

"We're at the airport. I've sorted us 2 tickets home, the plane leaves in about 3 hours"

I smile at her and peck her gently on the lips, so grateful for everything she's done for me.

"Come on then, we've got a plane to catch"


Sorry for the short update, I've been ill and busy voting for Cheryl to get an EMA Nomination! Hope you're liking it❤️

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