Chapter 37

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I wake up early, excited for the day ahead. Today I'm taking Kimba to a theme park with a twist. It has 6 floors, and is on a mountainside, with a gorgeous view looking over Barcelona. I'm so excited for her to see it, and I can feel little butterflies inside me.

I'm loving this week so much, falling more and more in love with Kimba, getting to know her better and just treating her and spoiling her. I also make a promise to myself that when we get home, I'll take her out more often, to the movies or a restaurant. I just want to make her happy, see her face light up with that amazing smile.

I feel her begin to stir beside me, and I kiss her gently on the lips as she wakes up.

"Good morning gorgeous"

"Mmmm" she mumbles, still half asleep.

I smile down at her as she squints and rubs her eyes, and slowly wakes up. She sits up, stretching and yawning.

"Any plans for today?

"Yes actually, another surprise" I tease.

"Telll me, please" she whines.

"Nope!" I smirk, I love winding her up.

"A clue? Pleaseee?" She bats her eyelashes at me, and I cave in.

"It's another one with a good view"

"Ahh I can't wait! What time's the coach?"

I look at the time, seeing it's only 8.30 AM.

"We have ages yet, the coach leaves at 1. What do you want to do this morning?"

"Laze by the pool?" she suggests and I agree.

We both crawl out of bed and put our swimming costumes on, pulling our hair up and not bothering with any makeup. We go down to the poolside, remembering our towels this time, and lay on sun loungers, soaking up the sunshine.



As we get on to the coach, I'm buzzing with excitement, still curious about where we're going. Cheryl's kept her lips sealed, and she's getting annoyingly good at keeping surprises from me. When did she even plan this? She's like a little ninja.

"How long's the journey?" I ask, impatient to get there and see the suprise.

"Just under an hour"

I groan, wanting to find out right this second where we're going. I spend the whole journey looking out of the window and checking the time on my phone, wanting the hour to go quickly. Cheryl has her earphones in, and is in her own little world, listening to music.

Finally the coach pulls to a stop on a high mountain, but I still can't work out where we are. Cheryl pulls her earphones out, excited that we've arrived, and everyone begins filing off of the coach. We get off, and the group begins to walk down a long road, and we both follow.

After 5 minutes of walking, we reach an entrance, and I smile. We're at a theme park called Tibidabo, and the rides look out from the mountainside on to the beautiful scenery of Barcelona. It takes my breath away, and I squeeze Cheryl into a huge hug, so grateful she's bought me here.

"This place is beautiful! Thanks babe" I say, pecking her on the lips.

"You're very welcome! And I'm a massive wimp when it comes to roller coasters, so I'm going to tr and be brave today" and I smile at the thought of her squealing on rides.

We queue up and get our wristbands, and go into the park. Because it's on a mountainside, there are six floors, all with different rides on. We start by going down to the bottom floor, and the first ride I see is a log flume.

"We have to go on that! Come on" I say excitedly, pulling Cheryl by the hand into the queue.

"But my hair's gonna get wet!" she complains, but I ignore her, putting our bags into a locker so they don't get wet. We reach the front of the queue, Cheryl still moaning about getting her hair wet and making excuses about why we shouldn't go on the ride. I get into the boat, forcing her in with me.

"Babe, this is a bad idea" she warns me as the boat starts moving.

"Stop being such a lemon! It'll be fine" I smile, as she pouts in protest.

We begin to ascend up the tracks, getting higher and higher. Cheryl puts her hands over her eyes as we reach the top, and suddenly clings on to me from behind, resting her head in the crook of my neck. The boat begins to plummet down, causing a massive splash at the bottom. Cheryl's screams deafen me, and I can't help but howl with laughter.

"Kimba I'm soaking" she whines at me as the boat pulls to a stop, and I can't help but laugh at her choice of words.

"That's what she said" I giggle, and she slaps me playfully on the arm.

We get out of the boat and go to the photo booth, looking at the picture of us taken from te ride. I have a huge smile on my face, eyes closed and laughing. Cheryl, on the other hand, was holding on to me for dear life and her face was all scrunched up.

"NO. Kimba I swear on me life, if you get that picture.." I hear Cheryl say, but I ignore her and buy the picture anyway.

"Kimba, why did you buy that, I look terrible" she sulks.

"Aww, you could never look terrible baby" I tease, and she pokes her tongue out at me.

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