Chapter 10

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The week is going by so quickly, and I'm counting down the days, dreading when I have to leave. We haven't really discussed it, but Kim did originally say I could stay for a week.

I know things will only go downhill again if I go home. Kim is still feeding me most of the time, but that's only because I secretly like it. I don't feel dizzy anymore, but there's still a part of me that yearns to just get drunk again, like I need it. I've been so controlled for ages, being kind and good and nice, I need to let loose. I need to get drunk, go wild, be reckless. I need to shout and swear, let some of my anger out, because there's still a lot locked away inside of me.

I sigh, crawling out of bed. Kim's gone to work, but she'll be back soon, and I've spent all day laying in bed, making the most of it.

I go out on to the balcony, lighting up a fag. It's pretty chilly out, which makes sense because it's about a week until christmas. I haven't really thought about christmas much. Last year I spent it with Ashley and my family, and we all had a brilliant time, but this year the thought of it makes me feel lonely.

I want to spend christmas with Kim, but I doubt that will happen. Even though I think we're an item now, she probably wouldn't want me around. She might even invite her family over, or be going to England to see them.

I decide that I don't care about christmas, fu!k it. I'll just treat myself to a nice bottle of champagne and have some fun alone.

I stay out on the balcony for a while, just enjoying the view, taking it all in. Suddenly, my phone starts ringing loudly in my pocket. I answer it without looking at the caller ID, assuming it's Kim. I'm wrong.

"What are you playing at you stupid cow? You know how bad this is making me look? You get your fu!king arse back here Cheryl or I swear, I will come and find you! Do you hear me?"

I freeze, my heart beating out of my chest. How is Ashley even calling me when I've blocked his number?

"Leave us alone" I whispered, hating how weak I must sound.

"I've not been left the fu!k alone since you ran away like some stupid fuc!king child! The press are all over me, making me the bad guy!"

"You are the fu!king bad guy!" I fumed

"No I am not! Anyone would have done the same in my situation, dealing with you! Always needing love and attention, being so clingy all of the time! Anyone in their right mind would have cheated! Now you get your arse back here before I have to drag you back here myself you dirty bitch, you hear me?" and before I could reply, he put the phone down.

I completely lose it, throwing my phone at the wall and hearing the screen crack. I let out a loud scream and punch the floor, once, twice, three times, not even feeling it as blood covers my knuckles.

It's all my fault. I was such a bad wife, so annoying and clingy, it's my fault he cheated and shouted at me and left me. I drove him to it.

I feel someone hold me, hugging me as I break down into sobs. I didn't realise that Kim was even home, and now she's hugging me, holding me against her and stroking my hair whilst I cry.

Ashley's words echo continuously through my head, and I feel truly worthless.

After a while, I begin to calm down, and Kim pulls away from me, wiping my tears and looking into my eyes.

"Who was on the phone?"

She must have got back and heard me on the phone before she came out here.

"Ashley" I whisper, my eyes filling with new tears.

"What did he say to you?" She looks angry and concerned.

I go to tell her but I can't, the words won't come. I simply shake my head and close my eyes, trying hard not to cry again.

Kim stands up and pulls me up too, taking me inside to the kitchen and picking my smashed phone up on the way.

She puts my phone on the side and then goes into a cupboard, getting some antiseptic cream and bandages. She washes my cut knuckles under the tap, and I wince, the pain finally hitting me. She dries my hand and gently puts the cream on and bandages it up, trying really hard not to hurt me.

She pulls me into another hug and I can't help but cry again.

"He said he was going to come and find me" I sob into her shoulder, finally having the courage to tell her what happened.

She holds me tighter to her.

"He won't come anywhere near you, I promise" and there is so much determination in her voice, I have to believe her.

"Thank you, so much"

Before I can say anything else, her lips are on mine and our mouths are locked together, like she's sealing her promise.



We spend the evening curled up on the sofa, just watching films and eating pizza. Cheryl's still making me feed her, but I'm pretty sure that's only because she likes it. I need to talk to her, but I'm so nervous, unsure of what she's going to say. I decide to just go for it.


She looks at me, waiting for me to continue.

"I know we originally said that you'd stay for a week.. but I'm worried about you. I know you can cope, but it's just with that phone call and everything, I wondered if you wanted to stay longer?"

She stares and me and giggles cutely, sitting on my lap and putting her arms around my neck.

"I never wanted to leave in the first place" she whispers in my ear.

I look at her smiling, and she smiles back, her dimples showing and her face lighting up. We snuggle closer together, and in that moment, I'm so happy.

"My Kimba" I hear her mumble against my neck, and I pull back, looking at her confused.

"What did you call me?"

"My Kimba" she giggles and looks at me like a naughty child being told off.

"You're so adorable" I tell her, pecking her lightly on the lips.

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