Chapter 5

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As I get into my car, I'm so glad I took Kim's advice. After speaking to a new counsellor, I realised that she was right all along and that I could find someone that I could trust more.

I find my thoughts wandering back to Kim. I keep thinking about her. Her smile, her eyes. It has been a couple of weeks since I've seen her, but we have text each other a lot. I hate ignoring everyone else's messages, I'd rather just turn my phone off. But I keep it on almost constantly, just in case she texts me. I still haven't called anyone apart from my mum and I haven't been on any form of social networking, the thought of it still makes me feel slightly sick.

I arrive home, walk into the hallway and sigh. My house still feels too big and there are horrible memories that lurk in it, of getting drunk and crying.

I realise I'm fed up of feeling lonely and need to invite Kim over. The place is a bit of a mess, empty fag packets and bottles across the place. I've only gotten drunk twice since my stay with Kim and when I think about telling her, I feel a bit guilty. I also haven't really eaten much, and I feel the urge to get drunk and cry again, so I decide to call Kim and invite her over. I can't be bothered to fight with myself tonight, I want someone to just look after me.



I feel my phone begin to buzz in my pocket, and I smile as soon as I see it's Cheryl calling.

"Hello you!" I can't help but smile.

"Hey.. are you back from work?"

"Yeah, my shift ended a while ago, you okay?"

".. I was just wondering if you wanted to come over tonight?"

She sounded slightly nervous and I began to wonder if there was something wrong.

"Yeah that sounds great.. are you okay?"

She paused, and I could tell that something wasn't right.

"I just.. the place is a mess and I just don't want to be on me own tonight really. If it's an inconvenience or something that's fine, i'll be okay.."

I butted in, not letting her finish.

"If you need me there, I'll be there! Is it okay if you come and get me though? I don't know where you live"

"Yeah thats fine, thank you so much. What time is good for you?"

"I can be ready in 10 minutes?"

She seemed slightly shocked by my willingness to drop everything and be there for her.

"Yeah.. okay I'll leave now"

She put the phone down without a goodbye and I went into the bathroom, quickly brushing my teeth, fixing my hair and spraying some perfume.

A few minutes later, I heard a horn beep from outside, so I grabbed my bag, locked up and went downstairs and out of the flat complex.

As soon as I got in the car I was greeted by the familiar scent of Cheryl, and my mind took me back to being curled up in bed with her.

She smiled at me nervously. She looked a little better than when I saw her last, but I knew she was pretty good at hiding behind a mask.

"How are you" I asked, genuinely concerned.

"Good. Yeah, really good. Brilliant" She rambled, not making eye contact with me.

I felt slightly disappointed that she couldn't tell me the truth, even when it was obvious that she wasn't okay. But then, if she was any good at asking for help, she would be in England still with her family supporting her.

After a slightly awkward car journey we arrive at her house and as soon as I see it, I'm pretty shocked. The house looks big enough for at least 6 people to live in. How can one person live in this massive house and not get lonely? And I realise- she is lonely.

As soon as she opens the front door I can smell the smoke. She'd clearly not bothered to go outside to smoke, and I'm slightly shocked by the amount of empty bottles everywhere.

I turn to look at Cheryl and she's watching me, analysing my reaction. I can't help but look at her with pity.

"Do you want a brew?" she offers.

"That would be lovely"

As she goes into the kitchen, I wander around the living room, picking up rubbish and tidying things up a bit. I notice that there's some pillows and a blanket on the sofa with the tv remote on the floor, like she'd slept on the couch.

Under one of the pillows, I find a small black notebook and pen and I start to look through it.

i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you

this is my fault, it's always my damn fault

whats the point in this??????


I hear Cheryl coming back in and quickly closed the book, shoving it under the pillow and sitting on top of it.

She hands me my tea and I frown at her, putting the cup down.

"Have you been sleeping down here?" I ask, confused.

"Yeah, I don't like it up in me bedroom"

"What? Why?"

"It's boring and lonely, I like falling asleep to the telly"

I look at her face, trying to read her expression, willing her to open up to me and let me help her again.

She catches me staring and sighs.

"Fu!k this tea, it's been a long day" she exclaims, and goes back into the kitchen, returning with a bottle of alcohol.

"Really?" I fume "You invited me here so you can get drunk and I can pick up the pieces?"

"No" Her eyes lock with mine "I invited you here to get drunk with us"

Thee glasses later and I wonder what the hell I'm doing. I'm supposed to be here to help Cheryl, not get drunk with her.

I go to express this opinion but I can't. She's wetting herself laughing and her face is lit up, her eyes glowing and her dimples being shown off. I've never seen her happily drunk and I really like it. Her laugh is infectious and soon I'm giggling too, although I can't remember what was so funny.

She falls onto my lap, breathless from laughing. I twist my body around, putting my legs up onto the sofa, and she shifts her body around so she's laying on top of me, head on my chest.

"You're me best friend" She says, looking up at me. She looks so drunk I want to start laughing again, but she slowly pulls herself upwards, so our faces are closer together.

Before I can even tell what's happening, her lips are on mine. Electric sparks shoot around inside me and butterflies take off in my stomach. I open my mouth and the kiss deepens, and she grabs onto the back of my head, clutching onto my hair, my hands on her waist.

She slowly pulls away, not looking me in the eye and shuffles down again, putting her head on my chest.

I go to ask her what just happened, but I feel her breathing gently rising and falling against me and I realise that she's fallen asleep.

I pull a blanket over us and smile to myself, gently playing with her hair until I drift off to sleep.

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