Chapter 36

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The coach journey home flies by in no time, and we spendevery second of it looking at the view out of the window. We arrive back at the hotel and get off of the coach, going back up to our room. I go into the bathroom and strip naked, happy to be out of my dress as it's boiling hot. I put on a plain white, strapless bikini, and some white flip flops. Kimba changes into a hot pink swimming costume with cut out sides, and she looks so gorgeous, I feel like I'm melting just looking at her.

"You look stunning" I say in awe.

"Oh don't be silly" she chuckles and it makes me sad that she can't see what I can.

"I mean it!"

".. If you say so. You ready?" she smiles.

"Let's go"

We go downstairs in the lift, getting some funny looks for wandering around in our swimwear. I really don't care. We reach the lobby and find a set of double doors at the back of the hotel, and they open into a large outdoor area. The pool is gorgeous, and there are only a few people in it. It's surrounded by sun loungers too, with people laying and soaking up the sun.

We kick off our flip flops by the poolside, and I dip my toe into the water.

"Oooh, that's cold" I gasp "You go first!"

Kimba also dips her toe into the water and looks apprehensive. Before I even know what's happening, she grabs my hand and jumps in, pulling me with her. I fall into the cold water, sinking down and being yanked up to the surface again by Kimba's hand. I splutter and gasp for air, blinking to get the water out of my eyes as she laughs at me.

"You absolute sh!thead!" I exclaim, gripping on to Kimba's neck to keep me afloat. I wrap myself around her front, hugging her and clinging on like a koala bear.

"What are you doing?" she questions.

"Holding on to you so I don't drown!"

"Can't you swim?"

"Not well" I admit.

"Aw babe, I'll help you. Let go, it's not that deep here" she insists.

"No" I smirk, still holding on to her tightly.

She bends her knees and we're both fully submerged under the water. She stays put, and I start to run out of breath, so I'm forced to let go, pushing away from her and sticking my head above the water.

As soon as so comes back up for air, I latch my lips on to hers and we just kiss for a while, surrounded by the cool water with the feeling the sun on our skin. I decide that kissing whilst wet is better than kissing when dry. Interpret that however you want to.

We mess around in the pool for a couple of hours, doing handstands underwater and racing each other doing laps of the pool. We splash around and generally have a laugh, until the sun slowly begins to go down. We climb and out realise that we've forgotten to bring towels with us, so we run up to our room giggling, dripping wet. We get a lot of dirty looks, but we're too happy to care.

We get back to our room, breathless from running and laughing. I pull my hair out of it's bun and it hangs around my face, gross from the chlorine.

"Fancy a shower?" I offer.

"Yes" Kimba jumps, and I don't think I've ever seen anyone so excited to have a shower in my life.



After a truly amazing shower, we both snuggle up in bed and Cheryl calls and orders us room service for dinner, a large pepperoni pizza. Whilst we wait, I can hear her stomach growling, and she jumps up enthusiastically when she hears the knock on the door.

We eat our pizza in silence, and I can tell she's tired, yawning every few minutes.

"Want to just go to sleep now?" I ask.

"Yeah,, if you don't mind. I'm exhausted"

"Fine by me" I say, getting up and throwing the pizza box in the bin. We brush our teeth and get back in to bed together. i make sure we can still cuddle by turning up the air conditioning to full.

"Night baby" I say, wrapping my arms around Cheryl's waist as I spoon her from behind.

"Good night gorgeous"

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