Chapter 28

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I rest my head in my hands, taking deep breaths and trying to calm myself down. How can she act so calmly about it all? She's being insensitive, of course I would be worried about her! I take a few deep breaths and replay the argument in my head.

Sh!t, I was a bit of a bitch to her. But what if I'm right? She could have stayed at someone's house last night. It wouldn't surprise me. I'm useless. Kim's just lost her sister and I'm here shouting at her. I can't do anything right. Maybe it would be good if she cheated on me. At least then she might be with someone worthwhile.

I sigh, standing up and going back inside. I want to apologise to her, just make up and forget it all happened. But at the same time, I don't know if I can believe her or not.

I quietly go into the bedroom and find her curled up under the duvet. She looks so small and innocent between the sheets, and I feel a swell of emotions inside of me. I don't know what to do.

I go back into the living room and sit on the sofa with a sigh, turning on the tv. I aimlessly flick between the channels, but I can't concentrate on anything, so I switch it off again.

I look around the room, hopeful that there's something that can take my mind off of things. In the corner of the room I notice a guitar. I've spotted it before, but never really paid much attention to it.

I go and take it off of the stand, sitting back on the sofa with it. Finding an app on my phone, I tune it and go over some chords. I'm really rusty, but with the help of google, I manage to remember quite a few chords.

I spend some time playing. My old songs, some covers, a bit of everything. But no song really feels right, and I still have a big ball of emotions inside of me that needs to be let out. So I begin to write.

An hour later and I feel proud of what I've done. I write down the last chord and take a deep breath, going from the top.

Symptoms of being scared

Feeling cold

Feeling lonely

On your own,

I can feel this fear,

Getting stronger,

And it's taking over,

I'm losing control,

And if you are not religious

Then how will you ever believe

And if I don't know procedures

Then how am I meant to proceed

To mend your heart

To Mend Your Heart

To Mend Your Heart

To Mend Your Heart

I try my best to operate on you, you, you,

Trying to learn the mechanics of a heart,

Broken hearted, torn apart

What was left on the floor

Has been smashed into pieces,

First she hurt it, then she deserted

But I'm trying to save it

Before your heart ceases

And if you are not religious

Then how will you ever believe

And if I don't know procedures

Then how am I meant to proceed

To mend your heart

To Mend Your Heart

To Mend Your Heart

To Mend Your Heart

I try my best to operate on you, you, you,

Trying to learn the mechanics of a heart



I wake up to the sound of my guitar being played. All of the memories from earlier flood back, and I get an aching in my chest.

I get up and go towards the living room, but stop when I reach the door. Cheryl's sat on the sofa with tears in her eyes, singing her heart out to a song I've never heard before. And I'm guessing by the sheets of paper around her that she's just written it.

I've only ever heard her sing on youtube before, or messing around. Never like this.

She's so involved, and her voice is like liquid gold. I can understand why her fans love her as an artist. She so passionate and involved in what she's singing, it takes my breath away slightly.

As she puts the guitar down, she looks up and catches my eye through the crack in the door and we both freeze, our eyes locked.

Suddenly I get scared of facing her again, remembering everything she said to me and how crazily angry she got at me.

I turn around and go back into the bedroom, but she hurries after me, grabbing onto my wrist and stopping me.

She quickly spins me around to face her and pushes me up against the wall. I suddenly fear that she's going to hurt me, but she forces her lips onto mine and kisses me deeply.

I begin to kiss her back, but suddenly remember the words that left those same lips only hours before.

Confused, I push her away and hurry into the bedroom, crawling under the duvet again and closing my eyes. I can feel a headache coming on.

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