Chapter 1

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This story has been written when I was 14 years old and the grammar and spelling can be a little off.


Mallory's POV

Hi I'm Mallory and I'm 4 years old. I like drinking orange juice, I love eating dill pickles, and I absolutely love my stuffed animal bear. his name is Beary and he's the only thing that I have left from my real home that I barely remember. I was put in this orphanage at 2 years old. My parents would hit me for no reason and I didn't even do anything. I couldn't even walk or talk! We'll one day they left me at a store and someone found me and took me to this jail, I mean orphanage. I've been returned 6 times and I don't know what I do wrong. Mrs. Kalie always "punished" me for the smallest things. She would always tell me mean things that I can't repeat cause there bad and she always made me felt unwanted. we'll today is adoption day again and even if I have been returned 6 times and beaten, I hope I get adopted to get away from this jail. wish me luck.

Connor's POV

"Hey Connor, are you ready or what!?" Kian yelled.

"yeah! hold on, I'll be down in a sec." I said.

Today is the day that I take responsibility of adopting another child. Kian is coming with me and the other guys are staying and creating a little party for when we return with our special little girl. Yeah, we all agreed that there's enough boys in this house so we want a girl.

Kian honked the horn. "CONNOR HURRY YO' BUTT UP!" he yelled.

"ALRIGHT IM HERE LAWLEY!" I shouted back getting into the car.

The ride consisted of us blasting the music and singing + dancing to all the songs till we finally pulled up to the orphanage. This is it, I'm finally go be be a father

Mrs. Kalie POV

I was "teaching" one of my orphan kids a lesson till the bell dinged noted that someone was here. There were two tall guys maybe around there 20's that walked in with a smile on their faces.

"Hi I'm Kalie, I'm assuming you want a little angel of your own?" I asked in the nicest voice. I can't have them thinking I punish these kids.

"Yes we are!" the guy with a lip piercing said.

"we'll what age and traits are you looking for?" I asked

"We're looking for a girl, possibly 4-7, and has a great personality" The guy with blonde hair and nice eyes said.

The first person that popped in my head was Mallory, but no way am I letting her leave and live happy.

I called 3 girls down. Megan, Lily, and Sayge. The guys were each questioning them so I took the time to check on Mallory for her little lesson. I reached her room then notice she wasn't there so I went downstairs to look for her till I heard a little voice.

Mallory's POV

I was in my room waiting to see if I needed to go down for questioning, but my name wasn't called. I was sad for a moment then thought to myself that I wasn't even gonna be adopted anyway. I got thirsty after and wanted to go downstairs for some orange juice. I had to make sure I wasn't caught before Mrs. Kalie punishes me.

I opened my door to see if anyone was there. It was clear so I headed downstairs to the kitchen and poured some juice. On my way out I bumped in to someone. He was tall with a black tiny hook on his lip. And me being me, the first thing I said was "Why is there a hook on your lip?" he chuckled and kneeled down to my height "This is a lip piercing and Hi I'm Kian. What's your name?" Kian said "Hi I'm Mal-" I was cut off by Mrs Karie yelling my name from the stairs. I quickly turned my head with fear in my eyes and I guess Kian noticed because he put his hand on my shoulder saying "whats wrong?" I just shook my head and stood there like the statue I was.

Kian's POV

I was questioning some girls till I saw a little girl about 3' 5" walk into the kitchen. I followed her and she bumped into me on the way out. I introduced myself after she question about my lip piercing which was adorable.

I asked her name, but before she could tell me the lady that greeted us earlier yelled her name. "MALLORY!!" she said. I turned to the little girl and see fear in her eyes. I put my hand on her shoulder asking what's wrong, but she just shook her head and stood there.

The lady came, I think it's Kalie? we'll she came and took Mallory by her wrist which made her flinch.

I grabbed her other wrist gently and pulling her other wrist out of Kalies grip. Kalie turned around with a glare and said "what do you think you're doing?" with that I snapped back with "trying to find the right girl for us so if you don't mind I'll be taking Mallory for questioning." with that I left Kalie with her mouth opened and eyes filled with anger.

I walked up to Connor who didn't seem so happy. I tapped him on his should to reveal Mallory who had a little tear fall from her cheek from what happened earlier. Connor turned around and quickly his expression changed to happiness once he laid his eyes on Mallory.

I knelt down to Mallory and said that it's okay and don't worry while wiping off her tear off her face. Then we asked her questions.

Mallory's POV

So after being a statue and getting gripped at the wrist, I felt another hand on my wrist but more gently and the tightened gripped loosened. I looked up to see Kian. He proudly told Mrs. Kalie that he was gonna question me. With that we went over to another boy with Kian I think that's his name, I forgot. He was still holding my hand then he tapped his shoulder. He had blonde hair and nice eyes. At first he looked sad, but once he saw me his face lightened up. Kian knelt down to wipe my tears and then he and his friend asked me questions.

Connor's POV

I was sad that I couldn't find the girl that I wanted. Kian then tapped on my shoulder revealing a little girl around 3 and a half feet. She was so adorable with her long brown hair with small feet and green eyes. My expression finally changed into happiness.

We sat her down. "Hi I'm Connor, tell us about yourself." I said happily.

"Hi my name is M- Mallory. I'm 4 years old and I love orange juice, pickles, and my stuffed animal Beary. He's a bear." She said shyly.

I absolutely fell in love with her cuteness and stood up asking where to sign to adopt her. Her face lit up which was just adorable.

"Mallory start packing, we're taking you home!" I said with joy.

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