Chapter 44

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Kian's POV

We took Jc's idea into action. We all made one big video and put it on the O2l channel. Cameron guys did the same and out it on each of their individual channel. They also put it on vine and we all tweeted it to our fans.

We got got back tons of comments and retweets from our fans. Most of the comments were telling us that they will keep a look out and that everything will be okay. Some... Weren't so nice. They said that it's good that she's gone and we should adopt them instead. Like the nerve of these people.

We ignored those comments and decided to go out and look for her.

We got into the cars and driver off. We went to the boardwalk by the beach. We checked the stores, the parks, the neighbor hood, and still nothing.

It was 11 pm, so we decided to go back home and try to get some sleep and look for her tomorrow.

We reached the house and went to our rooms. Then I fell asleep.

* 6 days later *

Mallory's POV

I've been in this dull room for so long. Everyday, I wake up to a small tray of food and water. One day I got orange juice and pickles. I was happy, but still wanted to get out of here. I guess Kalie was happy or something.

I look at the books and lay on the couch. I can't go anywhere and there's
nothing else to do.

Kalie's POV

This past week I kept having this guilt feeling in my stomach. I can't be feeling bad for her!

I decided to give her favorite thing one day. Pickles and orange juice. I could tell she was happy because I have a camera set up in there. After that, I tried to get her out of my king and carry through out the days.

Today is the day! I get paid. The couple are coming today in an hour to pick Mallo- I mean the brat up. Right now she's sitting down spazzing.

To kill the time, I took a shower and did my hair. I looked at the time and saw I had 25 minutes to spare till they came. I decided to go check on Mallory.

I went downstairs making sure none of the other kids saw me. Once I get my money I'm outta here. I unlocked the basement door and walked in.

Mallory jumped out of her seat and realized it was me. She stepped back and said "please don't hurt me"

And again, this guilt took over me.

I closed the door and walked towards her. I pulled out a board game that I took with me. Shoots and ladders. I set it down and motioned her to sit. She gave me a confused look and sat down with me.

We started the game and I had to help her since she didn't know how to count or what to do. She ended up winning though.

I had to say that we had a pretty good time. I don't even know why I hated her. I feel bad for doing this crap to her. I realized she's an innocent little girl that been broken too many times.

Then it hit me. I know why I do this crap to her. It's because of what my parents did to me in the past. I just felt that if I had to go through that, then I shouldn't be the only one. That's why I always beat up Mallory.

"K-Kalie?" Mallory asked

"What!" I snapped back which I didn't mean too

"I- I just wanted to know why you hate me so much" she said

"I- I don't know. I don't hate you Mallory. The past that I lived in just got to me and well... Yeah" I said

She just nodded.

I checked my watch and saw that the couple should be here now. And just like on que the bell dinged noting someone was here.

I looked at Mallory and something inside of me was telling me that the money isn't worth it. I knew about her parents and they were dangerous. I don't know what I got myself into. Mallory is an innocent girl and she doesn't deserve this.

"Mallory, I'm sorry for everything I did. But... There's people here to take 'adopt' you and take you to your real parents." I said

Her face had fear written all over it.

"W-why!?" she screamed. Luckily no one could hear us since the basement was sound proof.

"I-i'm sorry! just listen to me. I want you to hide behind those boxes over there okay?" I said

"Why a-are y-you helping me?" she said

"Because I made the wrong choice of hurting you when you didn't deserve it and now I'm trying to make the right decision of trying to keep you safe" I said

She nodded and hid behind the boxes. The bell dinged again and I quickly ran out of the basement. When I closed the door and turned around I bumped into the old couple.

"H-hi" I stuttered

"Where is she?" the guy said harshly

"She's upstairs" I said

"Then why did you come out from here" the lady said painting at the basement door.

"I needed to put something into storage" I said normally so she wouldn't be suspicious.

"Can we see what is in the basement?" the guy say said with a glare

"N-no" I stuttered. They were getting to close.

Before I know it, the door opened and I tumbled down the stairs hitting my head.

"Liar!" the lady screamed

"She's not here!" I shouted

"Then why is there food, books, a couch, and game here?" the guy asked

Crap! I forgot to hide those. Then one of the boxes fell and Mallory was exposed. NO.

"Mallory! run!" I shouted

"What about you!" she screamed

"I'll be fine, just go!" I yelled

With that she ran. It was no use because the lady grabbed her and poked her with a needles making her sleep.

I stood up to charge after her, but something hard hit my head and I fell to the floor. I saw them carry Mallory out. 'I'm so sorry Mallory' I thought to myself before everything went black.


Plot twist about Kalie huh?


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