Chapter 26

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Mallory's POV

I get go get out of the hospital today! I've only been here for a week because they needed to keep an eye on my swellings and gets tests. The police even came in to question me.

They told me that my parents weren't caught. I cried for a while, but the guys reassured me that they will do anything to keep me safe.

Ricky and JC are coming to pick me up today. Dad was suppose to, but Ricky and JC insisted. I was sitting on my bed in the hospital just spazzing into space thinking on things that could happen when I leave.

Will they get me? Will the guys ignore me again? Will things go back to how they were? Will I be safe?

Then I heard knocks which snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see a smiling Ricky.

He came to my side and picked me up gently. I have a broken arm that's in a sling. I need to put on a cast next week. I also have bruises on my face. At least the swelling went down. I also have bruises on my stomach and 2 scars on my back from the times they whipped me. My leg on the other hand just has a few bruises from the time I was thrown across the room.

We met up with JC who was signing the papers to release me. When he saw me his face lit up and he took me from Ricky. Ricky pouted, but I kissed him on the cheek and said "thanks Ricky, I love you." He smiled and kissed my forehead saying "I love you too Mal, now let's get out of here"

Ricky drove and JC sat in the back with me. We all jammed out to the songs and yelled/ screamed the lyrics. We also made some videos of us doing random things and JC was gonna put them all together when we get back home. The ride was so fun and it was never quiet. Even for 3 people.

We finally pulled in the driveway and JC carefully took me out. We opened the door and everyone popped out of different places and yelled "WELCOME HOME!"

There was o2l guys of course, Cameron, Nash, Matt, Carter, Andrea, Carly, and even Jenn!

Man, I haven't seen her in forever.

"MALLORY!" Jenn yelled

"JENN!" I yelled

She came up to me and engulfed me in a big hug, but was still careful.

"Omg. I left when you couldn't remember me and now this!" She said starting to cry.

I hugged her "don't worry, it's not your fault. And how could I not remember you" I said with a smile.

She looked up and smiled.

"You never fail to cheer me up" she said

I hugged everyone and we ate and talk. They even got me pickles! Oh how I love them so much.

We were talking in a circle in the living room. I was sitting on Carter's lap though next to dad. All of a sudden a car speeded pass the house making a LOUD noise. I gripped on to the couch and started to breathe heavily.

Ever since I was saved from my mom and dad, I've been getting afraid easily and when I do, I can't breathe. Dad picked me up and rubbed circles in my back telling me it's okay and that I'm safe.

After I calmed down, I looked up to see everyone looking at me with worried faces.

"I'm okay" I said since I knew why they looked like that. "It's just that I get scared easily and have a hard time breathing when I do get scared" I said

Everyone nodded and kept telling me not to worry and that there all there for me.

Sam took out the game shoots and ladders which was my all time favorite game. Even if I only knew how to count to 15.

We played 3 games and I won twice and Sam won once. We put the game away and went back to everyone else who was on there phones. Carly had to leave earlier because she had to babysit. I say between Kian and Cameron and Cameron looked up.

"Hey there baby Mal" he said

I giggled at the name "Hi Cammy" I said.

"Who's hungry?" Trevor asked

"Me" everyone said

"Pizza?" Trevor asked and everyone nodded or yelled 'yes!'

I don't mind pizza right now. I was only fed peanut bigger and jelly for a month so pizza sounds great right now.

Trevor ordered the pizza and it came within 20 minutes. We all say and ate in the living room. We put on a movie, Home Alone since Christmas is soon. It's November daddy said and Christmas is in December he told me. I can't wait for Christmas. I never actually celebrated it. Especially with people that I love and care for me.

Jenn and Andrea had to go so they gave me a hug and kissedy forehead telling me that they would see me this weekend. They said bye to everyone else and left.

I'm now sitting by Nash and Matt. I looked around to see everyone and I mean everyone except for Matt sleeping.

"Hey Mal, you tired?" Matt asked

"No, I had a lot of sleep for the past week" I said

"Wanna 'try' bake cookies?" he asked smiling

"Yes!" I whispered yelled

Matt's POV

Everyone fell asleep except for me and Mallory. This is a perfect time to spend some time with her. We're gonna do that by baking cookies.

We went into the kitchen and got the mix ready. We got out everything we needed to make the cookies and started to our everything in. We followed the directions and Mallory just stirred it while I put in all the ingredients.

We were having conversations the whole time, joking and laughing our butts off. When we were done mixing it we put scoops of the cookie dough on the pan and put it in the oven.

While we were waiting for the cookies to come out we went outside on the porch. We sat on the swinging bench and just rocked and talked. She was cuddled into my side and my arm was around her keeping her warm.

Half an hour later, we went inside and the cookies were done. We put them on a plate and poured some milk. After eating and drinking, we gathered blankets and pillows.

We took them outside to the trampoline and layer them down. While we were eating cookies, we decided to sleep outside on the trampoline. I made sure to put pillows under her sling so her arm would feel comfortable.

We finally got settled with the blanked and the pillows. I made sure the back gate was locked so no one could get in. I got in the trampoline along with Mallory and we laid down. She rested her head on my chest and we both gazed up at the stars.

Moments later I heard little snores. I looked down to see Mallory fast asleep. I followed her moments later.


I'm sorry for like misspelled words. Like sometimes autocorrect just corrects things and it's irritating. So don't mind parts that don't make sense.


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