Chapter 76

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I woke up and sat straight up to hear people shouting. I quickly ran downstairs and saw Cameron and Nash.

Cameron was on the floor with his head in his hands and he keeps saying 'she's gone' over and over again.

"What's going on" I said

Nash looked at me with red puffy eyes.

"Cameron. He's... Just taking this badly. Go back to bed, I got him" he said

I walked over to Cameron and put my hand on his back and crouched down.

"I know it hurts Cam. Trust me, I miss her so much that no words can describe. I'm probably going to be crying myself to sleep for the next few months. Maybe even the damn year. But what I think about is that she's in a better place. She'll always be here with us. She won't get hurt. And she doesn't need to worry about anything." I said

Cam looked up and gave me a weak smile. Nash helped him off the ground and we all did a bro hug goodnight.

I went back to Sarah's room to see her sitting up and looking at something in her hands. I went back under the covers and laid her down beside me. She laid her head on my chest and I saw what she was holding.

It was a picture of her and Mallory at the beach. Mal was on her back and they were laughing and smiling. It was a cute picture.

Sarah stared at it for a little than laid it on her chest whole gripping on to it. Then I heard her crying a little so I held her. Soon enough she fell asleep and so did I.


5 months later


Today is Mallory's birthday. I can't believe she'll be 7 today.

"Happy Birthday baby girl" I said standing in her room and looking around.

Then someone knocked on the door.

I looked and Sarah came in.

She came to me and pecked me on the lips. When she pulled away, I grabbed her waist and kissed her again. I hugged her and didn't let go. Then I realized we were both crying.

Just staying in her room is just heartbreaking. She should still be here. She shouldn't be gone, she doesn't deserve this.

My thoughts just made me cry harder.

We went out of Mallory's room and went downstairs to everyone in the living room.

We planned on going to the cemetery today and visit Mal. We all got up and went into the car. We drove to the Cemetery and parked. We walked to where Mallory's grave is and put the flowers and balloons we bought for her.

I even brought her Bear, Beary. I knew that she loves Beary. She had him since she was born and wouldn't go anywhere with out it.

We all sat around and made small talk with each other and said goodbye to Mallory after staying there for 2 hours.

"Bye baby, happy birthday" I said.

Before I left, I saw a butterfly fly to her grave and rest on her tomb. I smiled and left.


We were currently back at the house eating. We watched 'The Giver' and decided to call it a day.

We went up to our rooms and Sarah came to my room. We usually rotate rooms all the time.

I changed into some basketball shorts and a t-shirt. Sarah changed into some spandex and a large shirt. A.k.a- my shirt.

We got under the covers and I played with her hair for a little. She looked up at me and I kissed her nose. Then I intertwined our fingers together and kissed her hand and said goodnight.


I woke up the next morning to see Sarah in the bathroom. Puking?

I rushed to her side and held her hair back and rubbed circled into her back.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah. I just think it's something I ate" she said

I nodded. Then the thought occurred to me. We- we.... did it.

"You're not p-pregnant are you?" I asked nervously

Her eyes opened wide.

"I-I don't know." She said

I hugged her. " Let's get a test. If you are, I'm not leaving your side" I reassured her

She smiled and went to the sink to brush her teeth.

We got ready and went to the market. We got the tests and went back home.

I started to get nervous when Sarah went into the bathroom.

All I could think about, was Mallory. What if something happens? I couldn't handle feeling what I felt when I lost Mallory? It can't happen again.

Sarah came out and told me we needed to wait 10 minutes.

We just talked. 10 minutes later, which was the longest 10 minutes of my life. Sarah went into the bathroom and came back out with the stick in her hand.

We looked at it together and it said


I was kind of relieved that it was negative. I don't think I was ready for another kid. Neither was Sarah

We looked at each other and smiled. I kissed her and we went back downstairs. Sarah went to the kitchen and I went to the living room. Then everything went black.


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