Chapter 31

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Cameron's POV

By the time I could run to Mallory to pick her up, the fans came running in towards all of us. I tried to get passed them, but they were all crowded and I couldn't get through. I looked to see if the other guys got Mallory, but they were in the same position as I was. The guards tried to pull back everyone, but once they got someone outside, they would run straight back in.

I kept trying to gently push the fans out of the way to search for Mallory, but there was no luck.

Connor's POV

The doors were sturdy enough and all the fans came in. I tried getting to Mallory, but there was no use. I kept trying to search and hunt around everywhere, but I didn't have any luck.

I could see the worry in everyone faces, especially Cameron and Sam. I started to panic and I didn't know what to do. I tried calming myself down, which worked a little. I just needed to get to Mallory, but I was stuck. There were at least 7 girls grabbing ahold of me and wouldn't let go.

Sam's POV

I tried so hard to get away from all the screaming girls and go look for Mallory. I think everyone was because of the past we had. Who knows if someone took her, or if she got lost, or even trampled on. I just need to find her.

I tried my best to be nice to fans and not screaming at them to go away. I signed everything they shoved in my face, trying to take a step forward each time, but it didn't work. Everyone was surrounding me in a circle and wouldn't let me get through.

I even asked them to please move, but they would always ignore and ask me random questions, or sign this, and sign that.

Don't get me wrong though, being very popular is the best. It just has its consequences. Me and the guys can never go out without someone stopping us. We always put a smile on our face and pretend we aren't bothered, but it gets on our nerves sometimes.

Since I wasn't as tall as the other guys, I couldn't see anyone especially with all these girls surrounding me.

I stood on the chair and looked around me to see all the guys trying to make there way through to the back door. I quickly hopped down and tried to make my way towards them.

Luckily the owner of the restaurant called the police to help get everyone out. The police rushed in and me and all the guys stopped trying to reach the back door and just let the police get them out so we could look for Mallory.

After a solid 25 minutes of trying to get everyone out we finally all got together.

"Has anyone seen Mallory!?" Connor shouted breathing heavily

"Bro, calm down. We'll find her, I promise" JC said trying to calm him down

"Everyone, split up and if you find Mallory text us in the group chat so we can meet back here okay?" Kian said

"We should go in pairs since the fans are still out there" I said

"Sam's right. Andrea and Jenn. Cam and Connor. Me and Carter. JC and Trevor. Sam and Ricky. Matt and Nash. K go!" Kian yelled

I've never seen Kian take charge before, but I guess you could say he really cared for Mallory.

Kian's POV

I'm freaking out on the inside and I'm surprised that I haven't broke down yet. We lost Mallory too many times and were not losing bet again.

Me and Carter searched on the left side of the restaurant to see if she ran here. We looked under the tables and in the corners, but nothing. We're not giving up though.

Jenn's POV

Me and Andrea went into the front by the door to see if she was here. We're all worried because we don't where she is or if she's hurt.

We were searching the front till we covered every section of it. She was no where to be found and we haven't gotten any text that she was found. After thinking for a while, something popped into my mind.

"Andrea! what about the bathroom?!" I screamed

"Let's go!" she said taking my arm and pulling me to the bathroom.

We quickly opened the door and ran in. Nothing. We pushed the first stall, still nothing. Second stall, still nothing. We checked all the stalls and she still wasn't there. Then we see a pair of white lace toms from the end of the bathroom where the hand dryer was located. There was a little wall, so you could only see here white toms.

Me and Andrea quickly ran to her, to see it was Mallory, but she was passed out.

"Quickly, text the guys" Andrea said while picking her up bridle style.

"Okay" I said bringing out my phone

We ran out and seconds later the guys came. Connor ran up and picked her up. He hugged the life out of her and started to tear up, not caring about the fans outside. Then we called 911 because Mallory wouldn't wake up.

"Common Mallory wake up" was the last thing I whispered before seeing Mallory being taken away by the paramedics.


Sorry I took a while to update. I flew to Oahu yesterday and came back late.

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