Chpater 82

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Mallory's POV

I waited in the car for what felt a long time. Maybe 10 minutes. I was so scared that it felt like hours. Every noise I heard I would jump. Like the wind blew leaves off the trees and it landed on the windshield which scared me.

Finally, I saw someone come but I couldn't make out on who it was. I think it's Kian because that's Kian's hat he left the car with.

I unlocked the car and ran straight towards him and hugged his legs. But his legs didn't feel as skinny as a Kian's. I looked up to see blonde hair flowing from the hat.


"Well that wasn't hard" she said yanking me by my hair

"Ow! Stop!" I yelled

"Shut up you little brat" she snapped back

She pulled me into the house and out to the back yard. There, I saw everyone tied up except for Matt and Carter?

There were 2 buff guys standing around them making sure no one escaped.

"Mal! I told you to lock the door and don't come out if it wasn't us!" Kian yelled

"I thought she was you! I was scared waiting by myself, so once I saw the hat, I just ran" I yelled crying because I was scared.

"Shh Mal, everything's gonna be okay" dad said to me

"Oh really" Paige said

Dad looked at her then to me then slapped me across the face. Hard. I fell to the ground, but she picked me back up and slapped me again on the other side of my face.

I cried in pain and all the guys including Sarah and Lia were yelling at her.

"Don't. You. Dare. Touch. Her. Again." Dad said

I don't know how the neighbors couldn't hear us. Like common.

The two guys stuffed cloth in their mouths so they wouldn't tell or scream.

She threw me to the guys and I landed on Cameron and Nash. They wiggled to try and block me from the other men and Paige.

She didn't tie me up, but I knew I wasn't fast enough to run or fight. Then Paige got a phone call.

20 minutes later

Maggie showed up.

Matt's POV

I needed a new phone since my iphone got soaked when I forgot to take it out of my pocket when jumping in the pool. I asked Carter to come with me since Cameron was sleeping and Nash was just too lazy.

We were at the Apple Store and I finally got my new iPhone 6. Then I got a strange text from an unknown number.

From: ***-****

All the guys including Sarah and Lia and Mal are in trouble

Me: what? Who is this?

From: ***-****

Maggie. Paige is back and is going straight to your house. She thinks I'm helping her again, but I'm not.

Me: just tell me what to do.


Meet me in 5 min. A block away from the house and we'll discuss the plan.

Me: how did you know, I wasn't at the house.

Maggie: because I've been spying

I didn't respond. I just went straight to the place to meet Maggie and told everything to Carter on the way.

I can't believe this is happening.


Starting from next week Friday, I'll be updating regularly and the chapters will be better. I'm just busy with finals for next week and my aunties wedding is this weekend so I have no time to update or study.

It will get better tho!

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