Chapter 64

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Sarah's POV
I didn't think twice and just ran straight towards her and punched her right in her face. She fell off of Connor and fell straight to the floor. I crawled on top of her and punched her over and over again. It wasn't long because I felt two arms pull me back and didn't let go. It was Jc.

"Let. Me. Go." I said the ought gritted teeth looking at Maggie.
She was 'crying' into Connor's chest.
"What the hell is wrong with you!" Connor exclaimed.

"Ask your so called girlfriend" I spat back

"Don't blame this on her! Your the
B!tch that attacked her for no reason" he shouted

"I'm the b!tch?! You don't even kno-" I started, but was cut off by Connor yelling again.

"Get out and you're never gonna see Mallory again." He said not looking at me. Maggie looked at me and smirked and no one else saw.

"You're really gonna make me go when I was the one for Mallory when you weren't?" I said

He didn't say anything. All the other guys were silent. Probably from shock from what just went down.

"Well you should ask your girlfriend about Mallory's incident and where Paige is. I bet she knows, since she's in on it." I said walking straight out.

I heard the door slam again and heard foot steps running. I turned around and Maggie came and slapped me right in the face. I was prepared (she wasn't reeeeeady) so I fell to the ground. She went on top of me and punched me.
When she went to hit me again, I blocked and got a held of her fist and pushed her off. I got on top of her and punched her and slapped her, till the guys came out and pulled us apart.
Connor was holding Maggie and Jc was holding me.


I didn't say anything because no matter what I say, he's never gonna believe me. So I left and walked straight out with Jc and all the guys except Connor and the witch.

"Tell me if you're lying?" Kian said

"I'm not. When I went to go get something from the vending machine, I overheard her conversation with Paige. So I eavesdropped on her and heard the whole thing" I said

"I believe you" Jc said

He came to me and wiped the tears. I didn't realize I was crying. I just hate the fact Mallory is hurt and I know who, but Connor won't listen. I hugged him, then it turned into a group hug.

"We need to stay with Mallory before they try something else" Cameron said
"Me and Carter will stay while you guys take a shower and come back and we switch off" Matt said

"Sarah. You should stay. You were here for Mallory when no one else was. You deserve to be here" Kian said

"I'll come tomorrow when things are cooler. I'm still not going by that b!tch. But I'm sure not as hell GONNA leave her out of my sight" I said

Everyone agreed and we went our separate ways.

Cameron's POV
I can't believe Connor won't believe Sarah. I also can't believe that he kicked her out.

Me and the guys except for Matt, Carter, Connor, and Maggie went back to the house to go take a shower and get some food. Sarah went home and will be back tomorrow morning.
I still can't believe what went down today. I mean, yeah Maggie deserved what was coming, but it just took me by surprise.

I hope everything goes well tomorrow. We all finished showering and instead of all going back down, we decided 2 people just rotate and if Mallory wakes up, then we'll call each other.

I'm currently in the car with Kian driving to the hospital and going to swap with Carter guys.

We reached the hospital and went to Mallory's room. Maggie was sleeping with her head on Connor's shoulder and Connor was on his phone.
He looked up and looked straight back down to his phone. I rolled my eyes and told Matt and Carter they could go and they took the keys and left.

Me and Kian were just in our own Conversation and Maggie woke up and was talking to Connor.
"We're gonna go and shower and be back. Can you watch Mallory?" Connor asked

"Yeah of course" Kian said

With that said, they left and it was silent. We were just on our phones and after 3 hours, I started to get tired. Connor and Maggie weren't even back yet, but I don't mind. Mallory might though. If she wakes up and Connor isn't here, she'll just be heart broken.
After half an hour, I fell asleep.

Sarah's POV

I woke up the next morning and put on black skinny jeans and a plaid shirt. I washed up and left my hair straight. (Just picture Vanessa Hudgens) I put on light makeup and grabbed my phone, wallet, keys, and ate a nature valley crunch bar. I headed out the door and drove to the hospital.

I walked towards Mallory's room and only saw Cameron and Kian. They were sleeping. I shook Kian and Cameron and they woke up. I got us all muffins and orange juice for breakfast. We just talked and went on our phones to kill time. Mallory hasn't waken up yet, but she's not in a coma yet. If she doesn't wake up by tomorrow, then it's for sure she's in a coma.

We were talking till my boss came in with Maggie. Where's Connor?

"Sir?" I said like more of a question.

"Sarah, I need to speak with you for a moment" he said

I nodded and headed out. On my way out the door, Maggie was smirking. I rolled my eyes as met my boss.

"Yes sir?" I asked

"I heard about your incident yesterday and I can't have my employees doing that to innocent people. I'm sorry, but you're fired. I don't want to do this, but that lady filed a complaint and I need to follow the rules." He said

I stood there shocked and he left before saying "you were one of the best employees I had. You'll do good somewhere else too"

I started to tear up because I studied so damn hard to become a nurse. This was the only place that accepted me. Now what. I started to cry by now and from the end of the hall, I saw Connor coming.


Sorry I'm making Connor be such a douche. I love Connor! But I need something to make this story interesting.
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