Chapter 49

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Mallory's POV

I went to sleep that night without Nick and Lucy seeing my sheets knotted. I tucked it under the bed, but you could still see the big knot sticking out.

I tried my best to cover it up, but it was no use. They came into my room, drunk. What a surprise. All they did was walk in my room, look at me, and then they walked out.

I'm glad they did though or not they would've found the sheets. I closed my eyes thinking about what could go on the next day.

Sam's POV

It's been a couple of days since Connor guys came back saying they saw Mallory. I didn't know what to do.

Now every night, we go out to look for her. They even said her hair is dark black and not brown anymore.

We just came back from looking for her and I'm in my room. I don't really interact with the other guys that much anymore. The only one I talk to is Trevor and Connor when I want food.

I decided to take a shower and try to relax myself. Tomorrow we're picking up Carter guys from the airport. Their tour is over for the year.

I went into the shower and made sure the water was hot, but not too hot. I just stayed under the shower thinking where Mallory could be.

After 20 minutes of thinking, I was finally finished with my shower. I hopped out and wrapped a towel around me. I went out into my room and put on underwear and basketball shorts. I decided not to wear a shirt since it was hot tonight.

I went to my bed and scrolled through my phone. An hour later, I got tired and decided to go to sleep. I plugged in my phone to the charger and went to bed.

Mallory's POV

I woke up from the bright sun shining through my drapes. I woke up and saw a tray on the ground. It had oatmeal and a glass of milk.

Well isn't today a good day huh. I got out and grabbed the tray. I sat back down on my bed and started to eat. When I was done, I set the tray back down on the floor.

Eventually 10 minutes later Lucy came up and she picked it up and before she left she told me good morning. I told her good morning and then she left.

-- 1 hour later --

Nick and Lucy shouted that they were going out. They went outside and into the car, then drove away.

I waited for 10-15 minutes and decided it was time.

I moved my dresser, knocking it down. I didn't care at this point, I just wanted to get out of here.

I took the sheets that was shoved under my bed and let it down. I crawled through the hole in the wall and wrapped my hands around the sheets. I slowly made my way down and finally reached the ground without getting hurt.

Then I ran.

I ran for my life.

I knew exactly where to go. I've been thinking of the guys for a year now and planned where I would run if I ever got the chance.

After 30 minutes of running/ walking I could see the house only 2 houses away. It's like seeing the house pumped energy in me, because I sprinted to the house.

I walked up the driveway to see no ones car. I went to the door and knocked to see if anyone stayed back. I waited for 3 minutes and no one came. I decided to just sit on the step and wait for everyone.

Lucy's POV *gasp*

Today I felt good. I found out I was pregnant again! I know now not to make the same mistake that me and Nick did to Mallory.

We weren't ready and we were mad that it happened since we were young. Kidnapping her the first time was because of the built up anger we had for her being adopted with guys.

Ever since she reunited with them, we watched them. Then we realized we had no reason to hurt her. We wanted to be a family again, even of the horrible past we did. We hoped that she would slowly forgive us.

But those guys are in the way of making our family better. That's what me and Nick a have been doing the last couple days. We've been watching their house. We're planning to get rid of them and move to New York.

Nick feels the same about Mallory and we feel bad for the outburst of when we went to the market and the times before. We try to stop, but whenever we're angry, we take it out on her. Whenever she does something wrong or she disobeys, something inside of us just snaps and we get so angry.

I brought Mallory breakfast this morning and said good morning. I told Nick about me being pregnant and he was happy. When we get back to the house today, were planning on telling Mallory.

We are currently in front of the o2l house. We were here for 45 minutes. Then we kinda fell asleep. After a couple minutes I woke up and saw a little girl sitting on the door step. I couldn't see clearly on who it was because my vision was bad. I tapped Nick a couple times and he finally woke up.

"What?" he asked

"Where's the binoculars? I see a little girl outside and I can't see"

"Uhhh, ah here" he said banding me the binoculars

"Thanks" I said kissing his cheek

I turned to face the house, but no one was there.

"She's gone" I said

"Let's check it out since no ones home" Nick said

"Okay" I said

We got out of the car and walked towards the house.

Mallory's POV

After sitting down on the door step, I looked up and saw a familiar car. It was Nick and Lucy!

She was looking at me squinting. Good thing I have good vision and she doesn't. I dashed to the gate that leads to the backyard.

I saw them get out and walk towards the house. The gate was locked and since I couldn't climb over it, I crawled underneath since there was a hole and I was tiny.

I got up and ran behind a bush. Then I saw Nick and Lucy by the gate and they hopped over. I was scared they would find me so I shut my eyes tight hoping they wouldn't find me.

Then I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me and hands over my mouth.

I opened my eyes to see...



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