Chapter 68

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Mallory's POV

Everyone was still sleeping and I'm the only one awake. If Matt was here, he would've been up with me by now. I decided to head downstairs and watch tv.

I hopped off my bed and made my way downstairs. I turned on the tv and Sponge bob was on. SCORE.

I watched 2 episodes and heard the door bell ring. I got up and and claimed the stool that was next to the door that the guys out for me. I looked through the hole and I saw no one.

I opened the door and two people popped up. Then I recognized them. The people that sent that note. The ones that said they were coming. John and Claire.

I tried to shut the door, but I'm so tiny that John just pushed it with one of his hands. I ran and screamed for my life. Where was the damn guys.

Finally Claire pinned me down and right when she lifted her hand, I closed my eyes tight to wait for the impact.

Instead, I felt shaking. I woke up to be in a pile of sweat and my breathing got very heavy. Oh crap. All the guys were in the room and Sarah and Connor were holding me. They were rubbing my back telling me to calm down.

My breathing was getting worse and I started to shake.

"Get her inhaler!" Sarah yelled

Kian went to my bathroom and came back with my inhaler. He puffed it about 2 times and my breathing started to slow down.

Once I was calm, I started to cry.

"Shhhh shh. We're here Mal." Daddy said

"Mallory, do you wanna tell us what your dream was about?" Ricky asked

"T-the note came true. Jo-john and C-Claire got me and I tried screaming to you guys, but none of you came. I remember who they are and I'm scared" I said crying.

Daddy held me tighter and said "Mallory. They're not going to get you. We are all here for you no matter what."

I nodded. Everyone decided to crash in my room and slept on the ground. They threw blankets on the floor and grabbed their pillows. Dad slept on the bed with me and Sarah since my bed was big. I was in the middle.

After a while of tossing and turning, I fell asleep.

I woke up to the sun peeking through my window curtains. I sat up to stretch and a little yawn escaped my mouth. I saw daddy in my bed and all the guys in the floor?

Then I remembered last night. I had to pee really bad, so I climbed over dad and jumped off the bed accidentally landing on Trevor.

"OHHHG" Trevor said

"Sorry Trevy" I said laughing. I was laughing so hard, I though I was gonna pee my pants.

Trevor groaned and went back to sleep. I ran to the bathroom and stepped on Ricky's hand on the way. He didn't even move.

I used the bathroom, washed my hands and decided to go downstairs.

I went downstairs and wondered to the kitchen. I climbed the counter for a bowl and grabbed a spoon. I took he cereal and poured it into the bowl with out spilling. Then I climbed the chair to get milk. I succeeded and poured milk in the bowl. That was a fail because when I went to stop pouring, it slipped and splattered all on the counter.

Well, the guys will be waking up to a surprise.

I ate my cereal and turned on the tv. Curious George was playing. I always wanted a monkey after watching Curious George. Maybe the guys would get me one for Christmas if I behave.

All of a sudden the door bell rang. I started to get scared because of what happened in my dream. I called for the guys, but I guess since I can't scream loudly, no one answered.

The door bell kept ringing and I was getting annoyed with the sound.

I walked up to the door and climbed my stool. I looked through the hole and I still couldn't see anyone.

I opened the door and there stood....


Sorry for leaving you guys with a cliffhanger!

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