Chapter 46

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Kalie's POV

(John and Claire are the hired couple to bring Mallory to her parents. Just to inform you. and Mallory's parents won't have a name.)

What the hell are they doing here?? I questioned myself. There supposed to be gone already. This is gonna screw everything up.

"Looks like someone grew a pair and decided to show up" John said with a smirk

"Where's Mallory?" I said sternly.

"Why the sudden interest?" he replied back while Claire was behind him eyeing us out.

"I suggest you give her to us now." Connor said

"Or what" John spat

Before I could even blink Kian, Jc, and Connor jumped in front of me and attacked John.

I quickly made my way inside, but forgot Claire was behind John. She grabbed my hair and pulled me towards her to punch me in the face. I quickly blocked the punch.

I'm not going for this 'pull the hair sh*t' so I grabbed her head and kneed her in the stomach which caused her to let me go. Then I grabbed the lamp that was nearby and smashed it on her head causing her to black out.

Sam and Ricky was helping the other guys beat John, but John was too big. Then, they were all pushed outside and John closed the door. I didn't think much of it. I looked in the room and saw no sign of Mallory. Then I went to check the bathroom.

I opened the door and saw Mallory in the corner with a rag in her mouth. She was crying.

"Mallory!" I yelled running to her

I took the rag out of her mouth and hugged her tight. Then she said

"B-behind y-you" and I heard the bathroom door shut and lock.

I turned around and there's a gun pointing at my face. I stood up slowly and tightened my grip on Mallory's hand.

"To think we even trusted you" Mallory's 'dad' said through gritted teeth

" Why do you even want her? You left her remember. She's 5. What did she do to you." I said with anger.

"Says the one that agreed to go through with this quickly and beaten her up for 2 years" he spat back

"At least I'm making things right by trying to save her" I spat back harsher

Then I heard pounding on the bathroom door. "Mallory! Kalie! open the door" I heard Connor yell

"Daddy!" Mallory screamed

"Mallory! it's okay baby, daddy's here"

I could see the anger in Mallory's 'dads' face when Mallory called him daddy. He pushed me out of the way and slapped Mallory across the face. "He's not your dad! I am." he yelled

By now, Mallory was crying.

"Get away from her!" I yelled and I could hear Connor yelling "you bastard, get away from her!"

I couldn't move because Mallory's 'mom' was holding a knife towards me.

Then I felt a sharp pain and I fell to the floor. The last thing I saw was Mallory and her 'parents' going through the window. The door busted open since there was no weight on it now. Then everything went black.

Ricky's POV

We finally knocked out that guy. Let me tell you, it was tough. He was big and strong. We finally knocked him out by pushing him all together and he hit his head on the wall then ground.

We went in the room and heard yelling coming from the bathroom. It sounded like Kalie and a man. We ran up and tried to open the door, but it was locked.

We all tried to open it, but it was no use. Something was holding it on the other end.

Connor's POV

After hearing Mallory's voice I was so happy that she was right here. Then I heard a man, I'm guessing her 'father' yell and heard him slap someone. Mallory started crying and I knew he slapped her. I yelled at him, but it was no use to stop them.

Then I heard a window shatter. We finally busted through the door to see Kalie stabbed and no Mallory in sight...

--- 3 hours later---

We're at the hospital now because of what happened to Kalie. We're leaving now since the doctor said she would be okay. We talked to her for a little and she apologized for what she did before and we all forgave her and thanked her for trying to help us.

After she gets out of the hospital, she's going back to the orphanage. She made us promise to tell her when we get Mallory back. We said our good byes and we went back to our house.

We updated the cops on where they were and they said they would be on the look out in that area.

I can't stand knowing we almost had Mallory. Who knows when are next shot is when we get her. Or if we do. They might just beat her till she can't handle it anymore.

'I love you Mallory, please come home.' is the last thing I whispered before I cried myself to sleep.


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