Chapter 37

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Kian's POV

After falling asleep next to Mallory, I heard something shatter and screaming coming from downstairs. I shot my eyes open and grabbed Mallory as fast as I could. I gently places her in my walk in closet and shut the door. She was a heavy sleeper, so she didn't wake up. I put her in my closet because I didn't want her to be taken or hurt if someone was in the house.

I quickly made my way downstairs to see all the guys and a broken vase.

"What happened!" I yelled swinging the bat I brought down.

"We heard something outside and went to check it out, then Mr. Smart ass over here hit the vase and it fell. We all got scared and screamed" Ricky sassed pointing to Trevor.

"Well did you find anyone outside?" I asked

"No, we were occupied my the broken vase" Ricky said

I groaned and went back upstairs to get Mallory. I took her out of my closet and put her back on my bed tucked in. Then I went back downstairs and helped clean up the glass. I didn't want Mallory to step in any of the glass.

After we were done cleaning and put the glass in a trash bag, I went out to throw it away. On my way back, I saw a note wrapped around a rock.

I decided to pick it up and saw it was for all of the guys including me. I went inside and sat on the couch.

"What's that?" JC asked

"I don't know, but it's for all of us. I saw it on my way coming back into the house" I said

"Well, unwrap the note and read it" Sam said

I did as told and read the note out loud so everyone could hear

To: Connor and the guys

You still have our precious Mallory. Well not for long. You can't take what's not yours. We will get her back again and this time, you'll never get her back. She even gonna get double the punishment.

See you soon

~Mallory's real parents

P.S I wouldn't go to the police if I were you. If we get caught, we just send different people to finish our job.

By now, all the guys were shocked and frozen to speak or say anything. Connor looked the worse. I was on the verge of tears. Then I heard a small little voice.

"W-whos g-gonna take me?" Mallory said in between tears.

"No one. We will be with you to protect you. We love you, and you're apart of our family. No one else's." I said

"Mallory, we'll all be here for you no matter what" Nash said

I walked to Mallory and picked her up. She was still shaken up a bit.

"Do you want to eat cookies and drink warm milk to help you go back to sleep?" I asked

She nodded her head and rested it on my shoulder. I walked in the kitchen and said night to the guys. So did Mallory. Everyone told her they would be there for her and hugged her good night. Connor also had a long talk with her on how much he loved her and how many times he failed to protect her.

Everyone went to there rooms and me and Mallory stayed in the kitchen.

We finished all the Oreo cookies and drinking our warm milk till Mallory asked

"Who's trying to take me?"

She has to know eventually.

"Y-your parents" I choked out

"W-what?" she asked tearing up beginning to cry. "If there still alive, why am I not with them?" she asked crying

"Mallory baby" I said picking her up and setting her on my lap

" Your parents aren't good people. They only want you, so they can hurt you. That's why we took you and Connor is your dad" I said

She looked confused, hurt, and sad. She just nodded accepting what she heard and slowly started to close her eyes.

"Good night Mal, I love you" I said walking back to my room with her in my arms

"Goodnight Kiki, I love you too" she said not opening her eyes

I laid her back on my bed again and I drifted off to sleep.

Mallory's POV

I felt a strong force yank my arm up. I yelped in pain and shot open my eyes. I saw two people. A big man and a woman.

"We're here to take you back" they said

"No!" I said

The lady slapped me and the guy punched me. I started crying and screaming for help. No one came. I then realized these are my real parents. I remember them now! And all the horrible things they've done!

I tried screaming again, but they put something in my mouth that made me feel dizzy. They harshly grabbed me and I was put over my 'dads' shoulder. He ran downstairs and that's when I saw all the guys. Dead. There was blood everywhere. Then I blacked out.

"Mallory! wake up!"

I shot open my eyes to see me me in tears and drenched in sweat. I was in Kian's lap and all the guys were in the room. I hugged all of them and went back into kian's lap and cried.

"Baby what's wrong" I heard dad ask

He sounded worried. I looked up and said "my p-parents got me, and killed all of you" I choked out and started crying again.

"It was just a dream" kian cooed in my ear rocking me back and forth.

"Mallory, there not gonna kill us. We'll be together forever. All of us." Dad said

I looked up at him and all the guys to see them nodding. Then they all said they loved me.

We all went back to sleep after an hour of talking. We decided to all sleep in the living room together. I slept in between Cameron and Kian. We fell asleep once we laid down.

I'm so lucky to have these people in my life. Even if Andrea and Jenn aren't here. I miss them a lot! They won't be back for another 6 months though. There in Hawaii right now.

I love the people in my life and I never want to lose them.

Then I fell asleep, but this time dreaming of the perfect family I never had, but have now.

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