Chapter 24

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Mallory's POV

I was face to face with.... My dad.
No! no! no! I don't want to go with them. I love my new family even if they ignored me for weeks.

"Help!" I screamed out

Then I felt a warm sensation on my cheek that started to burn. He slapped me and then everything went black.

{1 year later}

•My dad came into my room to give me my 'breakfast'. It was a slice of bread with jam if I'm lucky and water. I started to eat till my door opened again. There stood my fat discussing dad with my drunk mom. They came in my room and my mom slapped me across my face.

It did sting, but I had to hold back my tears before they punish me more. My dad picked me up and threw me across the room and I hit my head on the floor. Luckily I didn't black out.

I guess the guys or anyone don't care for me. I bet there not even looking for me.

It's been 5 hours since my dad and mom came in here. They usually come every 2 hours, but I guess they went somewhere.

Just when I thought that, they came running through my door. Sorry, let me rephrase that. Wobbling through my door. I could smell the alcohol and it was just gross. My mom punched me in my stomach and my dad pushed me. He pushed me so hard that I hit my head for the second time today and blacked out. •

I woke up in a car. With the same clothes? Thank god that was just a dream. I looked up to see my mom and dad. I'm tied up in the back seat.

So I guess it hasn't been a year but an hour and I still have hope for the guys to come and find me. I miss and love them so much.

Connor's POV

It's been a month already. We looked everywhere. We went around town, we checked parks, apartments, motels, hotels, and just everywhere.

Every night I skip dinner to go look for Mallory. I miss her so much. I'm worried that she's hurt. What if she is waiting for me to come? what if she thinks I gave up on her? I need to find her and I'm not giving up.

Kian's POV

Ever since Mallory was taken, I haven't been the same. Andrea has been staying here every night to go help look. Whenever we get back to go sleep,
She cries her self to sleep thinking it was her fault. It's not though. She blacked out.

I can't believe that we ignored her for weeks. We said we had meetings, but we usually went to just hang out to take a break. But now Mallory is gonna and everyone in this house is just miserable.

Connor hasn't been the same. None of us are. But Connor skips dinner to go out looking for Mallory. Sometimes I go with him with Sam.

We need to find her and soon.

Mallory's POV

So my parents took me to a house where I have no idea where. They locked me inside this room that has a bed in the corner and one drawer. If I need to use the bathroom I need to knock on the door and ask.

It's been a month since I've been stuck in this hell hole. I at least get 3 beatings a day and only 2 meals. The meals are only peanut butter and jelly. I guess that's good, but not eating it for a month straight for every breakfast and dinner. Sometimes they don't even feed me.

Every morning I get waken up from my mom slapping me across the face. She yells at me mean things and tell me I'm worthless and a mistake. At lunch time, my dad comes in and punches me in the stomach till I fall to the ground. At dinner time, both my parents come in and whip me 2 times.

This has been going on for a month already. I already lost hope in the guys. We ended off in a bad way, so why would they even look for me. Plus I'm a girl with bruises on her stomach, whip lashes on her back, and a swollen face. I don't think they would want me anymore.

It was lunch time and both my parents came in. Great. Both of them means more pain. My mother punched me to the ground while my dad kicked me in the stomach. I screamed and my mom slapped me across my face. My dad picked me up and threw me across the room and I screamed for my life. They never did this stuff at once. I was in so much pain that I blacked out.

Cameron's POV

Ive been at the o2l house for a month now. We've all been on the search for Mallory. I hate the fact that she's gone and could be hurt somewhere. I miss her so much.

I was walking with Nash ( cause Cash right? lol) down the street till we heard a scream. We were only a block down from the o2l house. We went to the house where the scream was and looked through the side window.

I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Mallory! she looked like she was in so much pain and I wanted to cry. I looked at Nash and he has the same expression. A man threw Mallory and she screamed louder than before before blacking out.

Me and Nash sprinted to the front door and kicked it down. The two people then came out, but we quickly punched them down the stairs that led to the basement and locked the door. We ran to the room where Mallory was and ran to her side.

"Omg Mallory" I said in a whisper

I picked her up and we ran straight back to the house.

Sam's POV

I'm a mess without Mallory. I can't sleep, eat, or even go a day without crying. I don't even go on social media anymore.

I woke up this morning and went downstairs. Connor, Kian, Ricky, and Trevor went to look for Mallory. I stayed back because I couldn't handle it anymore. JC stayed with me.

Cameron and Nash went walking to get there minds of things and Carter and Matt went to get lunch for everyone.

Me and JC we're watching TV till Cameron and Nash bolted through the door holding.... Mallory?

"Is that Mallory!?" JC yelled

"Yes and she's hurt badly!" Nash yelled

I sat up and sprinted to her. I wanted to cry. She has cuts and bruised everywhere. Her face was swollen. And she had whip lashed on her back. W.T.F.

I couldn't hold it in as started crying. Cameron called the rest telling them that him and Nash found her. They also called 911 so that Mallory could get help.

Connor's POV

I went out looking for Mallory with Ricky, Kian, and Trevor. Sam and JC stayed back. We were in town and when I got a call from Cameron.

"Connor!" he yelled

"What" I said with no emotion

"Me and Nash found Mallory! hurry back. She's hurt!" he said

I hung up and speeded back home. The guys in the car were confused because I wouldn't say anything because I didn't want to get distracted from driving do fast.

Once we got home I sprinted to the door with the guys following. I opened it up to see my little girl. I wanted to break down and cry of how hurt she was. But now isn't the time. I need to be strong.

The guys behind me were shocked, but sprinted to her side including me. We waited for the paramedics to come and when they did I went in with her while the guys drove there. She opened her eyes and I was holding her hand.

"D-daddy?" she said

"Yes baby, it's me. I love you so much. Please stay strong." I said

"I love you too daddy" she said while blacking out again.


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