Chapter 48

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Mallory's POV

I'm currently sitting at 'home' locked up for what happened. Now Nick and Lucy don't trust me and I'm locked up in my room for good.

Let me tell you what happened when I saw my dad at the market. When I was literally so close on going back with him.

--- 4 hours ago ---

Nick and Lucy asked if I wanted to go to the market. I happily accepted to get out of the house. When we reached the market, we needed to get cheese. When we were going to the Dairy section, I saw him.

My daddy.

We looked at each other for 5 seconds till reality hit us.

"Mallory!" Daddy exclaimed which was a bad idea

All of the other guys looked my way and I tried to run towards them while they were running towards me, but guess who stopped me? That's right. Nick and Lucy.

Nick picked me up and threw me on his shoulders. Then he turned around and sprinted out of the store with Lucy behind.

Since they exercised and their fit, daddy and the guys couldn't catch up and before I know it, we're driving away.

"Bad mistake." Nick said

"I-I'm sorry. I-I just wanted to see them s-since its been a long time" I stuttered

"Well I hope you got a good look because you're not seeing them ever again" Lucy said

I started crying and a few minutes later we pull into our driveway. Lucy grabbed my arm harshly and dragged me in the house.

They took me into the basement and well yah, they beat me.

They gave me a black eye, bruised stomach, and scrapes on my legs. They pushed my upstairs and locked me in the room.

Now here I am laying down in my bed. I took a nap to see if this was all a dream. I was so close on going back to my real family and I may never get the chance again.

Connor's POV

She was right there in front of my eyes. She was right there. And now she's gone AGAIN. Wtf is wrong with me.

All I remember is seeing Mallory and shouting her name. She even shouted out 'daddy' so I knew it was her. All the guys saw her and we were running towards her till this muscular man picked her up with a lady besides him and they started running. We tried running after them, but they were too fast.

Me and all the guys drive straight home after that.

"Where's the food??" Sam asked when we walked through the door.

"We saw Mallory" JC whispered under his breath.

"W-what did you say?" Sam asked

"WE SAW MALLORY" I shouted, not meaning too.

"Where!" Sam demanded

"At the market. A couple grabbed her and they ran away. We don't know where they are now" Ricky said

"But what we do know is that there in California and I'm not giving up" I said

"Me too" Kian said

"Me three" Ricky said

Joined with everyone else.

We sat in the dinning room and made lists upon lists on where they could be.

"Guys." Trevor said

"What" we said in unison

"We need to act fast. What if they leave California because they know we're gonna try and find her" Trevor said

He's right. Now that they know that we know she's here, they might run off and we'll never see her again.

Well it's not gonna happen. I didn't see her for a year! I'm not gonna waste my time worrying about the negatives. I need to find her and make sure she's okay.

Since it was getting late we went to sleep and decided to try to look out for them tomorrow.

Mallory's POV

-- 3 days later --

I have been locked up in my room for 3 days straight. They haven't even fed me anything. I only get water from the bathroom sink.

I keep thinking of the day I went to the market and seeing the guys. It was great seeing them again.

Ever since that day, Nick and Lucy were hardly home during the day.

I even overheard them talking about moving to New York to start fresh. Meaning, 'so the boys don't find me and they don't get caught'. Their even thinking about changing their names.

I can't let that happen. They can't make me move. I need to stay here and be with my real family.

So, behind my dresser I've been creating a whole. Since Nick and Lucy aren't here during the day, I can make all the noise I want without getting into trouble.

I took the towel rack bar and created a hole behind my dresser. When the whole is fully through the wall, I can tie my sheets to my bed and climb down the house. The only thing that's keeping me from fully going through the wall is the alarm.

If something breaks in the house or something is destroyed, the house will automatically call Nick and Lucy.

I'm scared that I might not make it and they will beat me till I'm no longer living.

I made my final decision though. I'm doing it tomorrow 30 min after they go. That will make sure their fully gone and I have my chance.

I'll tie my bed sheets around my bed already so I'm prepared. Tomorrow will be the day that I reunite with my family.


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