Chapter 91

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Mallory's POV

"Why don't you bring this?" Sarah asked holding up my onesie with pictures of me and the guys including Sarah, Lia, Andrea, Jenn and just everyone. Dad got it for me. Of course Sarah helped with finding all the pictures and putting it together.

"Okay, that's my favorite onesie" I said

"I'm glad you like it" she said

Sarah is helping me pick out my clothes for the tour. We start tomorrow. Luckily, we're not flying. We're going on a bus. Can guys won't be riding with us because they have their own thing, but they said that they will visit us when they can.

I'm happy that Sarah and Lia are going though! They said we would have a lot of girl time which I'm excited for. We never had a girl time in a while.

"Alright. We're done!" Sarah said

"Finallllly, that was hard work" I said plopping on my bed

"Oh really?" Sarah asked chuckling

"Yeaahhh" I said yawning

"Yeah because sitting down and saying 'yes that's cute' or 'nah' is so hard" Sarah said

"Exactly" I said

Sarah then started tickling me

"OK.. Y-YOU D-DID EVERYTHING" I said in between laughs

"Ok I'm good" Sarah said while stopping

"Jesus woman" I said

We both looked at each other for 2 seconds then bursted into laughter.

"Alright, get to bed. We need to wake up early to pack the tour bus and hit the road okay?" She said

"Okay. Goodnight" I said

"Goodnight" Sarah said kissing my forehead.

She left my room then shut the door.


"Wake up wake up wake up"

I fluttered my eyes open and rubbed them till they adjusted. I saw Kian jumping up and down.

"5 more minutes" I said laying back down

"Nope" he said picking me up from my bed and putting me over his shoulder

"Kiiiiiaaaaannn" I whined

"Mallllooorrryyyyy" he mimicked me

"Let me sleep" I said

"We have half an hour to get ready till the tour bus gets here, so common" he said

"What time is it?" I asked

"4:30 in the morning" he said

"Ughhhh just take me to the bathroom peasant" I said

"As you wish" he said

He took me to the bathroom and set me down.

"I'll be back in 10 minutes to help you take your things down" he said

"Okay" I said

Kian left and then I did my usual morning routine. Once I finished, I went to my chair and put on my outfit Sarah laid out for me.

It was just a pair of gray sweats and a oversized shirt. Sarah picked out comfy clothes because she said were riding for 10 hours till the first stop so we should be comfortable.

I brushed my hair and went to my bed to get Beary. (Her teddy bear that she had at the orphanage from her birth parents)

Since my bed felt so comfortable I laid down and stated at the ceiling.

"Okay Mal lets go" I heard Kian "wait, why are you still in bed?" He asked

"Because I'm human and need sleep" I said

"Well you can sleep on the bus. They have bunk beds" he said

I sat up "yes!" I said

"Jump on my back" kian said

I stood on my bed a hopped on his back. We headed out the door till I realized I forgot Beary.

"Wait Kiki! I forgot Beary" I said

He turned around and I got Beary then we headed downstairs. We went straight to the bus where everyone else was. We got in and Kian set me down.

"Good morning Mal" everyone said when I passed them.

"Good morning" I said back

I went to the back and went to the bottom bunk since I was tiny. Then dad came.

"Are you comfortable?" Dad asked leaning down to my level.

"Mhmmm" I said yawning

"Good" he said kissing my cheek

"I'll wake you when we're almost there okay?" He said

"Okay" I said closing my eyes

And that's the last thing I remember before drifting off to a deep sleep.

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