Chapter 8

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Connor's POV

I woke up with weight on top of my chest, just to see a sleeping Mallory. I kissed her forehead and laid her down gently to go cook breakfast for everyone. Then I get a call saying that we will be going to New York for VidCon. We would be leaving in 2 days so I got the guys up. I took 2 pans from the kitchen and banged them together. "WAKE UP!" I shouted. I forgot Mallory was on the couch and she jumped up while screaming which made everyone else shoot up. "Sorry baby, I forgot you were on the couch." I said. "It's ok" she said grumpy while rubbing her eyes.

"What the hell is your problem!?" Kian shouted.

"I have an announcement." I said

"So you need to wake us up instead of WAITING for us to wake up" Kian said all grumpy

"Yuppp" I said popping the p'

"VidCon starts in 2 days. We're going to New York!" I said.

"YES!" everyone yelled. Then I see Mallory with a blank face. "What's wrong Baby" I said with all the guys concerned too.

Mallory's POV

"VidCon starts in 2 days. were going to New York!" dad yelled.

Everyone shouted in excitement, but me. I hate airplanes. One of the kids at the orphanage was put in because there parents died from a plane crash. After getting her story a lot of times I've been terrified of planes.

Dad asked me what was wrong and all the guys we're giving me worried looks.

"I'm s..scared of" I choked out.

"Don't worry, we'll be right by your side the whole time. nothing is going to happen" Dad said. I smiled and nodded. "EVERYONE PACK" JC yelled. we all split up except me and Sam because he was going to help me and I was gonna help him pack.

We just finished packing my suitcase and now we're in Sam's room. I was sitting in his clear spinny chair by his desk with his laptop facing him. I pointed out 4 shirts that I like and he picked the pants that would match with it. Then he packed snapbacks and beanies. We were finally done after half an hour.

** 2 days later**

Ricky's POV

"Mallory wake up, we're gonna leave soon" I said shaking her lightly.

"Mmmmnm" she said with her eyes closed. Adorable I thought to myself.

After 5 minutes of trying to get her up she finally went to the bathroom to wash up and came back out. She was still half asleep. I don't blame her though it's still 4:30 a.m. I helped he change and she flopped right back on the bed falling asleep. I decided to let her sleep and I put her bags in the car.

When it was time to leave I went back to get Mallory. She was still sound asleep. I smiled to myself and picked her up bridal style to the car. Everyone was in there and Connor was in the back making sure everything was good before we left. I handed Mallory to Connor and he took her placing her on his lap. Then we drove off to the airport.

Connor's POV

I asked Ricky to wake up Mallory so I could check everything before I leave. I checked the Backdoors, the windows, and the gate to go in the back of the house. I put in my bag in the car and went in waiting for Ricky and Mallory since they were the only ones that weren't in the car yet. They soon came out and Mallory was still fast asleep. 'Aww' I said in my head. Ricky handed her to me and I put her on my lap for comfort.

Mallory's POV

All I remember is getting ready half asleep and waking up at the airport. We went through the security and was heading to our plane. Once we went thought the door I got really scared. I ended up sitting between Kian and Trevor. Dad, Sam, and this woman we're in the back of us and Ricky, JC and a man sat in front of us. One the plane started to move I gripped on to Kian and Sam's hand. "Don't worry, we're gonna be okay" Sam said. I nodded and tried to calm down. I eventually calmed down once we were flying. Then I fell asleep.

"Mal, wake up we're here" I heard Kian say. I opened my eyes and put my arms up motioning for him to pick me up. He lifted me up, grabbed our carry ons and headed off the plane to joking the rest of the guys.

We got our luggage after 5 minutes and was greeted with a man holding a sign that said O2l. We had a limo! I always wanted to ride in one.

I quickly got down from Kian and ran into the limo. Everyone laughed at me. We finally reached the hotel and everyone was tired except me since I slept for a very long time. Eventually I fell asleep again for being hyper for an hour straight. I just blacked out.

Trevor's POV

Once we reached the hotel everyone was tired except for Mallory. She was hyper than ever. I think she had to much to sleep cause she wouldn't even keep still for 2 seconds! she finally fell asleep after an hour of babbling and jumping. Thank god!

Mallory's POV

"Wake up baby" I heard dad say

I opened my eyes and everyone was ready. I went to the bathroom to wash up and put on a white dress that was puffy at the bottom with a shear sparkly cover covering the top of the white dress and a black and pink flower on the upper right hand of the dress with silver sandals. Andrea picked this out for me. We headed down to eat breakfast then headed to VidCon.

*skipping to VidCon*

The boys were onstage already and I was on the couch watching from the side. "For those of you that know, I adopted Mallory which was the best thing in my life I ever did" I heard dad say the crown 'awed' and I smiled. "Come up here Baby" dad said. At first I was scared then Trevor came down and picked me up. We went out and the crowd was louder than ever. Trevor passed me to dad and he kissed my forehead. I just waved and smiled at the crowd and buried my head in dad's shoulder because I was shy. Everyone 'awed' again. The mic was passed to all the guys and they all told the crowd the relationship they had with me and how they love me. I couldn't ask for a better family.

I was on stage for 20 minutes and I wanted a cookie. I tapped on JC's leg since he's a giant to me and asked for a cookie. "I'll get one for you after the show he said" I said. I just sighed and nodded. After 10 more minutes I grew impatient and the guys were just answering questions. I decided to just get off stage and get a cookie myself. On my way to the snack table, I needed to use the bathroom. I finished, washed my hands, and headed out. On my way out I bump into someone. "Oh sowwy" I said and looked up to see her....


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All I can say is



Drama... Coming

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