Chapter 56

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I have no idea how this treatment goes. Bare with me, it's just a story

Connor's POV

* 1 week later*

Today, Mallory would start her treatment. We were going to the hospital later today at noon.

I woke up pretty early today because I was a bit nervous. I know Mallory hates the hospital and would be scared if I told her we're going there. I decided to just let her get ready and tell her in the car where were going. It would make it easier for us to get her there.

It was currently 6:30 and no one was up except for me. I decided to make breakfast for everyone since we had a long night last night. We went to sleep at 2 in the morning because we had a Bonfire. We were having so much fun, that we lost track of time.

I went downstairs and saw that there was nothing to make for 11 people. I knew that no one would get up anytime soon, so I went upstairs to change. I changed into khakis, a black Y&R shirt, black vans, and a gray beanie.

I went downstairs and grabbed the keys to the car. I was gonna go to the market to buy some ingredients for breakfast.

I pulled into the parking lot and parked in the first stall, since it wasn't busy. I went inside and grabbed a cart. I went straight to the dairy section to get some eggs.

After I finished getting what I needed, I went to the cashier. I ended up getting 3 cartons of eggs, 5 packs of bacon, 2 cartons of orange juice, some junk food, and 3 boxes of pancake mix. The cashier looked at my items wide eyed, but did her job anyway. I guess if someone got this much things, they would be curious.

My total was $114.56. I paid and went to the car. I loaded everything in the trunk and drove home. It was about 7:10 by the time I got back and no one was up. Like I guessed. I brought everything in the house and started cooking.

When I was done, I woke everyone up and they were all at the table. Accept for Mallory. I went upstairs and saw her knocked out. I chuckled and carried her downstairs. She woke up on the way down and I kissed her cheek good morning.

I set her on the table and we all ate. When we were done, we put our dishes in the dishwasher and went upstairs to get ready. Since I was already dressed, I brushed my teeth and went to Mallory's room to help her get ready.

She already washed up, so all she had to do was get dressed and brush her hair. I told her to dress up in comfy clothes because we would be doing something indoors. She ended up wearing

• loose black 'O2l & MagCon is my family' shirt we made

•jean shorts

•white flip flops with a daisy on the middle

I brushed her hair for her and she put it in a low side ponytail. I smiled at her because of how cute she was and I took her hand and we walked downstairs. We sat on the couch and waited for the others to come. Even if there is 11 of us and we can't all go into the room with Mallory, we agreed on that everyone was gonna be there for her.

Finally everyone came downstairs ready to go. We got into the car and I set Mallory between Sam and Trevor. Jc was driving and I was in the passenger seat. The others were in the other car.

"Where are we going?" I heard Mallory ask

"We're gonna start your treatment today. Remember?" I said

I turned to her and she had a bit of nervous look on her face.

"Don't worry baby, we're all gonna be there for you" I said

She gave me a weak smile and played with her fingers.

We finally made it to the hospital and Sam carried her out. He held her hand and we walked inside and I checked her in. Then we sat in the waiting room for Mallory's name to be called.

Mallory's POV

I'm sitting down on Jc's lap right now in the waiting room, so everyone else could sit down. I was nervous being here, but if being here will help me get better then I have to suck it up.

Daddy came and sat next to me. I guess he could see I was nervous and held my small hand. A nurse came and called my name. Daddy stood up and took my hand and we walked with the nurse. Kian also came with us, since two people could come in.

I went into a room and they gave me a short quick check up. Then I had to go to a different room and had to lay down on a bed.

A doctor and two nurses came in and my stomach felt tingly.

"Okay Mallory, we're gonna have to take a blood test. It will be over quickly okay?" the doctor said

I looked at the nurse and saw a needle. Oh dear lord, I'm gonna pass out.

Dad came over and held my hand. The nurse came and poked my arm. I squeezed my eyes tight and by the time I opened them, she was done. I was so glad. Then she needed to give me IV which was another needle that needed to stay in my arm.

She poked me and let me tell you, that hurt. A lot. The doctor said that they would look at the blood test and come back in 10 minutes to start the treatment.

"Will I take any more shots?" I asked

"No sweety, not today" one of the nurses said.

I sighed in relief and they left. I just laid in the bed and talked to Kian while dad went out to check on the guys.

Paige's POV ( to clear things up, Paige is the fan in the beginning of the book that like Connor and tried to get rid of Mallory. )

I went to the hospital today because my friend got her foot ran over, so we needed to check it out. I swear she's so stupid.

As I entered the hospital, I saw a group of familiar faces. O2l. Not only o2l, but Some of MagCon. Then I saw the little brat that ruined my chances with Connor.

I don't know if they remember me, but I'll keep my distance for now to see why there here. Maybe I'll get my chance with Connor again.

I checked my friend in and we went to a room. Once she was in her room getting checked on, I went out and peeked at the waiting room.

I saw everyone but the brat, Connor, and Kian. I scanned the hallways and came to a door with a folder that had 'Mallory Franta' on it.

I read through the files and saw that she had cancer and was in treatment. I thought this was a perfect time to get Connor. If Mallory had a 'accident' since she'll be weak, I can be the shoulder he leans and cries on.

I quickly put the folder back and went back to the room. I kept thinking of ways on how to get Connor Franta.


So sorry that this chapter was short.

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