Chapter 27

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Cameron's POV

I woke up around 8:30 in the living room to see everyone asleep in different places. The only people that we're missing we're Matt and Mallory.

I started to get worried so I got up to go look for them. I made it to the stairs without waking up anyone and went to Mallory's room. It was empty, so I checked the Matt's guest room he's staying in to see if they were there. Again, it was empty.

I went back downstairs heading for the kitchen. When I passed the glass sliding door, I saw it was unlocked. I looked up to see Mallory and Matt sleeping on the trampoline. That put relief off my shoulders.

Looking at them reminds me of the time Mallory asked me to sleep with her outside. Seeing them together sleeping, just gives me a angry feeling? I shouldn't feel that way because Mallory loves all of us equally right?

Mallory's POV

I woke up to the birds chirping and the sun beam in my face. I yawned and stretched my legs and arms. I looked up to see Matt.

Moments later when I was just stating at the clouds, Matt started to wake up.

"Good morning there beautiful" he said

"Morning Matty" I said hugging him.

We took all the pillows and blankets and brought them into the house. Everyone was still sleeping except for Cameron who was sitting in the kitchen spazzing. I think he's deep in thought.

Me and Matt went to our rooms to wash up and we went back outside to the trampoline. We jumped and laughed for about an hour till everyone else woke up. We kept jumping till we got tired, so we laid down again.

"Mallory Matt get in and eat." Nash called about 10 minutes of us resting and pointing out objects the clouds formed.

"Okay" I yelled back

Matt got out first and picked me up. He carried me into the house and set me down by him and Carter.

We were all eating pancakes from McDonalds. It was better than I expected it to taste.

"What do you guys wanna do today?" Dad asked

"Zoo!" I screamed out

"Okay okay" dad said chuckling

"Anyone else wanna come?" he asked

Everyone said yes. I guess it's gonna be like a mini field trip.

Once we we're done eating I went straight to my room. I rinsed my mouth with mouth wash since I brushed my teeth this morning and I changed into my clothes.

I wore a pink and white pastel flowy T-shirt and some black tights. Then I just put on some white lacy toms.

I brushed my hair and put it to a side braid with a white creamy bow on the tip of my braid. When I was done getting ready, I walked downstairs to meet everyone else.

Carter came up to me and picked me up setting him on his lap. I kissed him on the cheek and cuddled in his chest. We took a few pictures, we'll a lot of pictures and made a cool slideshow.

Everyone else was finally ready and we got into the cars. Since there was 11 of us, we took 2 cars. 5 people could fit in one car, so I had to sit on someone's lap. I ended up sitting on Sam's lap. Dad was driving, Kian was next to him, Trevor was on one side if me and Sam, and JC sat on the other side. In the other car was the rest of the guys and Ricky ended up driving.

After about 45 minutes of driving, we finally reached the zoo. I've never been at a zoo before so I was really excited to see different animals.

When we were finding someplace to park, we passed this gate where you could see a playground. It was huge!

"Daddy daddy daddy" I screamed

"Whaaaaaat baby" he said

"Can I pleeeease go on the playground?" I asked

"Duhhh" he said

I giggled and said "I love you daddy"

" I love you too" he responded

We finally found parking and Ricky ended up parking right next to us on the left.

We walked thought the entrance and we went to go visit the monkeys first. There were all in cages and had there own tree. I even spotted one monkey eating a banana hanging off the tree.

I was holding Nash's hand and was jumping over every crack in the ground. Then he put me over his neck and I could see everything more clearly.

We spent about an hour looking at animals. I ended up seeing and alligator, hippo, monkey's, giraffe, elephant, Zebras, and even a

It was so amazing seeing all these animals. I'm really having a good time with my family.

"Can we go to the playground now!?" I shouted

Everyone chuckled and nodded. We walked over to the playground and walked through the gate to get in. I was having a bit of trouble, so JC helped me open the gate.

I quickly ran over to the swings and say down. Before I could call someone's name to push me, I heard a familiar voice behind me, calling my name.

I turned around and saw....


Cliffhanger! Hahahaha sorry it's so short. I've been really busy with school.



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