Chapter 70

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Connor's POV

Once Mallory came into the living room, she was stumbling and looked sick. When we asked if she was okay, she ran to the couch and just laid her head between her legs and just held her ears. Then she screamed in pain and blacked out.

We all were panicking and I picked her up and we all headed to the car. I sat in the back with her and Ricky was speeding to the hospital. Everyone else was in the car too.

Once we reached the hospital, I ran straight out and went to the front desk.

"I- I don't know what happened. She was fine then she was dizzy and screamed in pain, then she blacked out" I said breathing heavily

"Sir calm down well do everything we can" the lady said

Two nurses and a doctor came with a gurney and they took Mallory away from me. I ran by her side till one of the nurses pushed me back.

"No! I need to be there with her. Please!" I yelled while crying

"I know you want to, but it's the policy. We're gonna do everything we can and see what's wrong. We'll let you know once we figure out what happened to her" the nurse said and then left leaving me there crying.

Kian came and dragged me to the waiting room. I saw Sarah sitting away from everyone, crying with her knees to her chest. I walked to her and stood in front of her. Jc and Lia ran in through the hospital doors hand in hand looking all worried. I looked back at Sarah and saw hurt and sadness in her eyes.

I took her hand and pulled her up and just hugged her. I know that Mallory meant a lot to her. They got along so well together. And I know how Sarah felt about Jc.

We sat back down and Sarah sat on my lap burying her head in my chest. She was crying silently and I was cooing in her ear even if I couldn't keep myself together. Shortly after, Sarah was sound asleep. I picked her up and went to the mini couch in the waiting room and laid her down with her head in my lap.

Jc kept staring, but I brushed it off. I'm here for my daughter and only my daughter.


5 hours later


I woke up to hearing a voice say "Mallory Franta"

I jumped up from the couch making Sarah fall, but luckily she caught her self before she hit the ground. She stood straight up and I grabbed her hand because I was nervous. I guess she could tell because she squeezed my hand reassuring me that everything will be okay.

"Mallory..." The doctor started and his face showed it all. "We took some X-Rays and saw that her appendix has burst. We rushed her straight into surgery and did the best we could. We didn't think she would make it through, but she did. Barely though. She's in a coma right now and by the looks of it, she may or may not make it. I'm sorry." He finished

"How! There must be something you can do! Anything!" I screamed which waked everyone up.

"I'm sorry. You can go visit her in room B24. If anything happens, please all me right away." He said then walked away

I fell the floor and cried. I didn't care if anyone saw me. I just need Mal to be okay. Sarah was full on bawling her eyes out and she fell to the ground with me and and just held me.

The guys were yelling at us to explain what was going on since they were sleeping while the doctor was explaining.

I told them and soon enough everyone was bawling. Jc held Lia and they walked off. the rest of us went into her room and once I walked in, I regretted coming in.

There laid my baby hooked up to wires and needles in her arms. She looks white as a ghost and so fragile. I cried even more looking at her.

We were supposed to spend Christmas together as a family. She's not supposed to be in here. I feel so horrible that she's going through this. Christmas is only days away and were here praying for Mallory.

I know she'll make it though. She has to. She's a strong girl and she'll fight through this. I know she will.

We stayed there for a couple hours and Jc and Lia came in a while ago. Then Sarah came up to me and said

"We should go back the house to shower and grab something to eat"

"I'm good. I wanna stay here with Mal" I said

"Connor, she'll be here when we come back. You at least need to eat. And you don't wanna be stink when Mallory wakes up" she said giving me a weak smile

I smiled weakly back and nodded my head. She always knows how to make me smile during the really sad moments.

"Someone needs to stay with her though. They're still people like John and Claire that could come" I said back remembering them.

"I'll stay with her" Kian said

"Me too" Sam said

"Okay" I said

The rest of us got in the car and drove home. Since there was only 6 of us going back, we finished showering and getting ready again in an hour. We do have like 6 showers in our house considering we have our own bathroom in each of our rooms.

On our way back, we picked up some Taco Bell. We reached be hotel and went straight to Mallory's room.

We switched places with Kian and Sam an they went home. They came back 45 minutes later.

We all waited around the room and I was sitting on the chair by Mallory's bed holding her hand. Then I fell asleep with my head resting on her bed.

Mallory's POV

I opened my eyes and got up from my bed. My head felt really dizzy. I jumped out of bed so I could go to the bathroom. I saw everyone in my room, but ignored them and ran straight to the bathroom. I came back out and everyone was either sleeping, on their phones, or spazzing whole crying.

"Sarah!" I yelled running up to her

She didn't even look at me.

"Hello?" She still didn't look at me. She was looking at the bed and wouldn't even blink.

I then looked at my bed and saw what she was staring at.

My body.

Then the monitor on the screen started to beep real loud and the line went straight.

Daddy who was sleeping next to my bed jumped out and started full on crying. Nurses and doctors rushed in and rushed me out into another room.

I stayed back and saw Dad bawling his eyes out on the ground. I sat next to him and hugged him while screaming and crying telling him that I'm right here.

He still wouldn't listen. Everyone else was around him doing the same.

I decided to see where they took my body. I found the room and it was a surgery room. I looked at my body, just shocked and confused on what's going on. Then the nurse whispered in my ear.

"It's all up to you baby. Give all the strength you can. It's up to you whether you wanna stay or leave us" she said

(My version of 'If I Stay' because why not)

I looked at my body and tried everything in my power. Nothing was working and I as getting mad, so I ran out back to my room.

Everyone was there and they all looked miserable.

I can't leave them. They need me and I need them.

I then started to feel light headed and fell to the ground blacking out.

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