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I walked out of his room, gently closing the door behind me

What have I done?

Surely he hates me now?

The situation replayed in my head over and over

"I don't know Joey, maybe he is!"

If I could take back any words I've ever said it would be them seven that foolishly slipped out of my mouth. I know I must give off the impression that I dislike Joey for his ways but I suppose I didn't realise how close he thought we were

When I sat on his bed I just felt awkward, an emotion I've never felt around Joey ever. Now the only twin I can talk to is Jay so that's going to make Joey even angrier

God, why am I so stupid?

I walked downstairs past everyone who was sat talking in the living room

"Hey Reign, where are you going?" Jay asked walking up to me

"I'm going home, I ruined everything. I'm sorry, I just need to leave" I said turning around and walking away

I called and Uber and went home, heavily contemplating my mistakes. I was home in no time, too little time for me to think

I payed and got out, walking into the house and locking the door behind me. My dad was home but already asleep in bed, leaving me to sort everything myself

I changed into my pyjamas, took my make up off and brushed my hair out. I brushed my teeth and got straight into bed, plugging my phone in to charge and laying there upset

I couldn't stop thinking about it, seeing the both of them fight over me. I mean, why would they fight over me?

I'm a nobody

My melancholy thoughts slowly drifted me off to sleep after taking over my brain for far too long


I woke up all of a sudden, sweating and anxious. I'd just had a bad dream about my mum, saddening I know but I get them quite often

My room was still dark. I checked my phone for the time



I read somewhere that if you wake up in the early hours someone is watching over you. I assume it's just my mum watching over me but now I get the feeling that I'm actually being watched

The door leading out of my room was closed fully, my curtains were shut so that you couldn't look through my window and my closet doors were fully closed

No one's watching you Reign, what are you thinking?

I switched on my lamp, illuminating my room while I grabbed my phone. I unlocked it and went on snapchat

I opened all my streaks from last night and other messages from random boys which I ignored like always when one name popped down at the top of my screen

Joey is typing...

I waited until he had fully sent the message, opening it straight after. I read it carefully, kind of taken back by what he had said

I'm really sorry about earlier
I didn't mean to act as rude as I did
I was just upset
Sorry for being so nasty
I love you


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