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Here's the first chapter to say thank you❣️


I took my last box into my room from my car. It was heavy and I struggled walking up the flights of stair ways I had to take to get to my new dorm

I was now 18 and attending college to study psychology, a life long dream of mine. I dropped the box outside my door and pulled my keys from my pocket

Unlocking the door, I took my last box inside, closing the door behind me and putting my keys on the drawer next to the door

I finally got to have a proper look around the place, a bed on each side of the room with a desk at the end. A small bathroom to the right and a small fridge placed in the corner

The place was small but cute and I could see myself living here comfortably for the next few years providing I had a good roommate

I chose the bed on the left as it didn't seem so cramped. I began to unpack my stuff, choosing the top 2 drawers for my clothes and leaving the bottom 2 for my roommate, whoever they are


I laid on my bed watching Netflix on my laptop when I heard a key in the door. My heart pounded quietly in my chest as the door opened to see someone I didn't expect

"Rosie!" I squealed

Her face lit up as I ran towards her, abandoning the show that played on my laptop. We engulfed each other in the biggest hug, swaying side to side before pulling away

"I can't believe I actually got a room with you" she smiled widely

"I was dreading having to stay with a stranger" she laughed

I laughed along with her as I related to her words

I helped her unpack all her clothes and belongings into the drawers and near her bed

"We should go out tonight" She said sitting on her bed

"We're 18, we won't be let in" I said with an obvious tone

She smirked, pulling 2 cards from her purse and handing one to me. It was a fake but very authentic looking ID that instantly changed my age to 21

"Where did you get this?" I asked

"I have friends who know friends" she smiled innocently

"So, are we going?" She asked

I nodded excitedly. We shared a smile as we both dashed towards the drawers. I pulled out a dress as did she. Mine was short and a navy colour which I paired with nude heels and a sparkling purse

Rosie's was a champagne hue which she wore with white heels and a purse similar to mine. We went into the bathroom where a big mirror lay over the sink

We did our make up and curled each other's hair, letting it fall down our backs. By the time we were changed and ready, it was already 8:30 and it was getting dark

We headed out from our shared dorm, making sure to keep our keys safe in our purses. Walking down the streets, we came to a strip of clubs all in a row

We turned and walked down it, the music already blasting out of the doors. Wasted people slurred their words as they dragged themselves from club to club

We laughed and walked to queue for the first club we saw. We came to the muscly security guard who towered over the both of us

"ID please ladies" he said to me and Rosie

We handed over the counterfeit cards as his eyes scanned them. He gave us a nod and handed us them back before allowing us to walk in. We turned to each other and squealed in excitement, knowing we'd cheated our way in


Our night consisted of dancing and drinking, but I stopped at my 3rd drink to keep an eye on Rosie. I sat at the bar in our 4th club, watching Rosie dance on a random boy I didn't recognise

4 sours were placed in front of me as I gave the bartender a questioning look. He pointed to 4 boys who were stood behind me, watching my every move

"No thank you" I said to the man behind the bar, pushing the multicoloured shots away from me

"Are you sure, they're payed for?" He asked referring to the boys who'd payed for them already

"Yes thank you, I'm trying to stay sober ish for my friend" I said hinting at Rosie who was now kissing the boy

I rolled my eyes as he chuckled, taking the shots away from me. The teens walked up behind me, I could tell they were about my age from the vibe they gave off

"How come you didn't have your shots baby?" One asked

"Yeah, we payed for them" another chimed in

"I'm trying to stay sober, but thank you" I replied as politely as I could as I could tell they were drunk and tipsy

"So we've just wasted our money on you?" One questioned rather loudly

"Well yeah kinda" I replied

I saw their faces crumple, some angry and others disappointed. They began shouting to me in their drunken state, scaring the life out of me as they screamed insults into my ears

I sat, half tolerating and half ignoring the words that blasted around me until someone spoke up

"Hey! Leave her alone would you!" He shouted

I turned to see an intimidated look on their faces as I began to question the voice behind me as it didn't sound very intimidating 

They walked away from me as I turned and slumped myself over the bar, Rosie was no where in sight anymore

I turned to thank the person who took their time to stand up for me but the floor and seats around me were empty

The voice seemed familiar but distant as I wondered for the rest of the night who had rescued me


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