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His next meeting rolled around quicker than I expected. I was sat on my office chair, waiting for his arrival

As my office phone rang, I picked it up and held it to my ear

"I have Mr Birlem with me, can I send him up?" Benji asked

"Yeah, send him up" I replied

"Okay" my assistant replied before ending the short call

My nails tapped against the desk before I heard a couple of harsh knocks at the door

"Come in!" I shouted

The door opened and he walked in, hood slumped over his head as he sat heavily in the chair opposite me. As he pulled his hood down, I was shocked at what I saw in front of me

Both eyes were black, his nose was a combination of unnatural colours and his bottom lip was busted

I couldn't do anything but gasp at the sight

"Mr Birlem! What happened?" I asked, alarmed

"Nothing" he murmured, slumping further down into the chair as he went to pull his hood back up

"No, no. Leave it down. Who did this to you?" I asked, walking around the desk and crouching in front of him

"No one, Reign. I'm fine" he sighed, fully pulling his hood up

He didn't want to talk about it but I couldn't bear seeing him like that

"Joey, please tell me" I said, gently taking his hood back down to once again look at his battered face

"That boy toy of yours" he muttered, closing his eyes

"What? You mean Ethan?" I asked

"Yeah. Tall with dark, scruffy hair" he replied quietly

"Oh my. I'm so sorry" I said, caressing his cheek lovingly

He flinched at the action, looking into my eyes before I reluctantly pulled my hand away. Why would Ethan do that to him? Joey didn't even speak the other night at the cinema

"Forget I ever said anything. Don't let me get in the way of your relationship with him" he turned away guiltily

"No, Joey. It's not right for him to do that and I don't want to be with someone who would even think of doing such a thing" I replied, walking back round the desk and sitting in my chair

He handed me his diary and I scanned through the pages until one date stood out to me

Thursday 3rd: Jay and I went to the cinema
today. We decided to watch
                            the new Lion King.
Everything was going well 
until I saw you sat with him.
I tried to ignore it, but as
Jay spoke, I felt my jealousy
rising. I had to leave as soon
as the film was over. I
couldn't stand seeing him all
over you. I drank and drank
that night, I couldn't help it.
I was sad. I'm sorry.

His passage nearly send a tear tumbling out of my eye

"Why didn't you say anything to me?" I asked

He immediately knew what I was on about.

"He was jealous, Reign. I didn't want to make the situation worse and make him angry, but I guess it's too late for that" he spoke

I sighed in defeat

"I'm sorry, Joey"

He returned a weak smile

"Let's just get this session over" he said

Nodding, I began to ask questions about his past week

"So, how have you been with the cocaine?" I asked my final question

"Good. I haven't had any in over two weeks" he replied

"Really?" I questioned in full disbelief

He nodded happily

"Well done. Keep it up, Joey. You're doing amazing" I cheered, clasping my hands together

I slid his diary back over the desk and he shoved it away in his pocket. Standing from my seat, I guided him to the door

"I'm so proud, keep it up" I smiled, giving him a brief hug before he waltzed out of the door and down the corridor

Walking back inside my office and slumping in my own chair, I sighed heavily. Why would Ethan do such a think when he fully knows that Joey's struggling

Not being able to think of any answers, I rang him. Surprisingly, he picked up almost immediately

"Hey sunshine, what's up?" He asked cheerfully

Oh how I was gonna ruin his day

"Why did you beat Joey up?" I questioned bluntly

"Uh, what?"

"Why did you beat Joey up?" I repeated, getting more annoyed by the second

"I didn't? I beat the other one up" he replied proudly

"No you didn't. Tell me why Joey's come to my office with 2 black eyes, a broken nose and a bust lip, Ethan! Tell me!" I demanded

"Oh shit" I heard him mumble

"I beat up the wrong one"

"You've got to be joking me! Why do you always squeeze yourself into my life? We've known each other for like 2 months and you've already caused havoc!" I ranted

"I'm sorry, baby. I really didn't mean to. It was meant to be the other one, he was too all over you I had to put him in his place" Ethan responded

"Don't baby me. You had no right to beat Joey up, even if it was meant to be Jay. Don't contact me again Ethan, I don't want to be around anyone like you" I sneered down the phone

"So you're literally picking a druggie over me right now? Are you hearing yourself? I can protect you from this dude and you're running to him. God, you must be stupid" he fought back

"Me? Stupid?! Are you hearing yourself?! I went to college with the both of them. They're amazing boys and I know neither would hurt me" I defended them

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you have to tell yourself" he muttered

"You know what, Ethan. Fuck off, you're vile!"


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