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Completely sickened at him, I turned and ran down the road. There was no sign of my friends so I was left to walk home by myself

As soon as Jay's house was no longer in my sight, I began walking, catching my breath as I sobbed horrifically

I made it home in 15 minutes, unlocking the door and entering the dark house. I turned the lights on after locking the door, illuminating the hallway

I kicked my heels off before running upstairs to my bedroom. Collapsing on my bed, I couldn't help but cry. I'd wrecked my life completely

I heard my phone buzz next to me

Had fun tonight😉

You're disgusting

His text made me cry even more. I blocked his number to avoid and further upset and took my dress off

I walked to the bathroom and turned in the shower. I stepped in let the water run over me, trying to get over the night's events

My tears blended in with the water to the point where I couldn't tell if it was tears or water dripping down my face

I finished my shower and got out, drying myself off and dragging myself back into my room. I dressed into my pyjamas, now evident that it was tears that rolled down my cheeks

I climbed into bed, closing off my lights and plugging my phone in to charge. I laid restless thinking about what had happened

Hoping it was a dream, I pinched myself only to hurt myself even more. I had no one to go to, my friends would prob sly laugh at my mistake, thinking it was a joke

My dad wasn't even aware that I had a boyfriend so there was no point in crying to him. I closed my eyes in attempt to sleep, which eventually took over me


I woke up suddenly, checking the time on my phone. It was 9:54 am and I could hear my dad's faint snores through the wall

I got up, getting changed into leggings, a shirt and some trainers. I brushed my hair, grabbed my purse and left my room, walking down the creaky stairs

I grabbed a cereal bar out of the cupboard and scribbled a not for my dad explaining where I had left to

I left the house, walking to the nearest supermarket. I came to the vast flower selection, walking around choosing what to pick

In the end, I picked a red bouquet that I paid for before leaving. I made my way to the graveyard where my beloved mom lay

I weaved round the headstones before coming to my mom's. I sat and arranged the flowers into the vase that was placed in her headstone

I crumpled the wrapper into my pocket and sat more comfortably

"Hi mom, I just thought I'd visit, I've had a lot going on these past couple months" I began


"And then, I ran away" I sobbed as I described to her what had happened yesterday

I wish she was here to comfort me but knowing she was at least listening made me feel a tiny bit better

"So now I'm alone, I don't have anyone to talk to. My friends would take it as a joke and dad doesn't even know that I had a boyfriend" I whimpered helplessly

I saw a tear splash into my left leg, making me wipe any away from underneath my eyes

"Anyway, I should get going" I whispered standing up

I brushed the dirt off me and kissed my mom's headstone before walking away and out of the graveyard. I walked through the warm, humid air of summer home, passing the twins' house

I sighed, ripping my eyes away from the place where everything seems to go wrong. I walked past as I heard the front door open, not bothering to look

Thankfully, my name wasn't shouted and I continued my trek home


I walked inside to see my dad sitting in the sofa

"Where did you go?" He asked

"Oh, I just went to visit mum" I answered

He nodded and dropped his head down, probably because he misses her. He always felt guilty because he couldn't afford the medicine for her

If we had the medicine, she'd probably still be alive now. But as always, things always turn out the worst they can possibly be in my case


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twins ~ j.m.b (UNFINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now