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"I'm going for a shower before I do my make up and hair, I won't be long" I said standing up from my bed and walking to the bathroom

"Okay" I heard him reply as I locked myself in

I turned on the shower and waited for it to get hot while ridding of my clothes on floor. I stepped in and let the water wash over me

I shaved myself and washed my hair before turning the shower off and stepping out. I dried myself off and got as much water from my hair as I could before wrapping the towel around me and walking out of the bathroom

Joey's eyes scanned my body before I spoke up

"You can go now"

He nodded and walked into the bathroom before I realised I'd left all my clothes in there. My leggings, top, bra and underwear

Oh well, it's not the first time he's seen them I suppose

I heard the shower turn on as I began brushing my hair out of its knotted state. I closed the curtains and quickly got changed into new underwear and a maroon velvet dress

"Reign" Joey shouted

"What?" I asked

"I don't have a towel" he shouted back

"They're on the shelf next to the shower, just use one of those" I replied

"Okay thanks"

I heard the water shut off and the shower curtain draw back. I brushed my hair through again and added some product so that it dries and stays wavy

He finally walked out of the bathroom with a towel draped around his waist. I tore my eyes away from his body before walking into the bathroom to let him change

It was still steamy and I couldn't see my reflection in the mirror so I grabbed the hand towel and wiped off the condensation until I could see myself

I began applying my make up which consisted of: foundation, concealer, powder, bronzer, highlight, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, lashes, lipstick and lipgloss

I finally walked out to see Joey laid on my bed again

"I'd thought the bathroom monster had taken you. You've been in there for ages" he chuckled

I rolled my eyes before grabbing my purse, keys and phone. I texted Rosie letting her know where Joey and I were going before turning to face him

"Ready?" I asked slipping on my heels

He nodded, standing up and walking towards me. We walked out of the door as I locked it behind us, making our way off campus and towards the clubs

We turned a corner before Joey looped his arm around my waist

"You look really good tonight you know? Have I told you?" He complimented

I blushed but he couldn't see it for all of my make up

"No, you haven't told me. And thank you" I smiled at him as we queued for the first club

We showed our ID's and walked inside. We headed straight from the bar and ordered 2 sours straight away

Knocking them back at the same time, we laughed and traipsed over towards the dance floor, dancing together to the music

We made our way from club to club throughout the night and right now we were at club number five

At this point we were fully drunk and oblivious to our actions and words. The music blasted in our ears as my back brushed Joey's torso as we danced

He leaned over me, leaving his mouth near my ear when he started singing along to the music

"I'm touching you tonight"

"I'm loving you tonight"

"Wait no"

"I'm fucking you girl"

"You must be used to spending, putting in that time"

"Touching, loving, fucking. Can't make up my mind"

"I'm loving you"

"Wait no"

"I'm fucking you tonight"


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