First Date

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Seattle, Washington
November 12, 1988

The next day I spent just cleaning up my apartment. It had been a while since I did a full clean. With work and everything I get busy and just forget, but since Chris was meeting me here, I didn't know if he wanted to come in or not so I figured I should give my place a good clean.  I had tickets to see a band that I had been longing to see and they were playing at the Fenix Underground.

It was later on in the afternoon and I had just finished getting dressed after my quick shower. I threw on a pair of black distressed leggings and a Venom band T-Shirt that I had cut to style into a loose muscle tank, much like the Dead Kennedy's T-Shirt and checked the back to make sure it was tied properly.

"Perfect," I say to myself as I adjust my black lacy bra under my shirt.   I threw my hair up in a messy loose bun once again and put on my silver studded wrist cuff. I also put on my Doc Martens just in case we decide to go out, as it takes me a bit to lace them up and tie them.

I then walk out into my tiny living room and decide to put on some black metal. I take out some Immortal from my records and start up the turn table. 'Northern Chaos Gods' then starts to punch through my speakers like ice. It was amazing. I walk into the kitchen to pour myself a drink of Jack and Coke, when suddenly I hear a knock at the door.

"Just a minute" I call from the kitchen as I take a sip of my drink. I walk out into the living room and turn down the stereo, then walk over to the door and look through the peephole. It was Chris. Oh my god my heart started to flutter again. I unlock the door and open it to see him turn and smile at me. Damn he looked so good. His tall figure so toned and... well tall. He was just wearing a plain black T-Shirt, black baggy shorts that came down over his knees and his Doc Martens. His face, perfectly clean shaven and his hair resting just passed his shoulders, his black leather jacket with a Soundgarden logo on the front and those beautiful blue eyes that pierced through to my soul.

"Hi," He says cutely and smiles at me.

"Hi," I say shyly back to him. We look at each other for a couple if minutes and then I realize I should invite him in.

"Sorry... uh... come in," I say and shake myself out of my distraction. He steps inside and I close the door behind him.

"Sorry... I uh was just finishing getting ready... I wasn't sure what had in mind to hang out..." I say as I walk over and turn the music down even more. I don't know why but I felt a little nervous that he would not like what I was playing.

"That's ok,"  He half giggles.

"Would you like a drink?" I ask as I turn back from the stereo.

"Sure," He grins at me,  once again his blue eyes sending chills all over my body.

"Ok," I say quietly and head into the kitchen. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down as I walk over to the counter. I pour him a Jack and Coke, hoping I made it ok and then return to the living room to see him looking through my records. I walk over to him and hand him his drink.

"It's a Jack and Coke... I hope that's ok," I say shyly. He takes a sip.

"That's perfect" He says as he looks at me. I look up at him and we lock eyes for a few moments. He grins at me and I shyly look away.

"Is there anything you see that you wanna listen to?" I ask as I gesture to my records that he was flipping through.

"Actually I was wondering just what was playing now...," He says.

"Oh... um Immortal," I say and I look up at him again. He gives me a look of confusion. I grin at him realizing he's never heard of them. I set my drink down on the coffee table and grab the album cover and hand it to him. He takes it from me with the slyest grin and looks it over.

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