Hands All Over

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Seattle, Washington
August 11, 1989

The next day, Chris had to get up early to get ready for the video shoot that was taking place in an old abandoned factory. The were actually doing 2 videos today, one for 'Loud Love' and the second one for 'Hands All Over'. Since the shoot was going to take place all day, I was going to meet Chris there in between breaks so I got up, took a quick shower and once again tried to decide what to wear. I quickly threw on my ripped skinny jeans, my Doc Marten's, my Aerosmith T-Shirt- the one Chris had written on the inside- and just left my hair down and curly. I quickly cleaned up my apartment a bit and then decided to head down to meet Chris.

I take the bus down to the abandoned factory that they were shooting in. It was just after lunchtime and they had just finished shooting the 'Loud Love' video and were starting on the 'Hands All Over' video. As I walk up to the abandoned factory, I see a few cars and a few people that are part of the filming crew taking camera's into the factory. Most of the exterior walls of the factory were demolished, leaving just the frame with a few larger areas that still had wall structure. There was black dust everywhere and lots of broken concrete dust among other debris, it looked dangerous but so very rock and roll.

I walk inside and see a 4 filming cameras set up, tons of other crew but I didn't see any of the guys. One crew guy walks up to me and is sort of rude, asking what I was doing and informed me that this was a closed set. I told him that I was here to see Chris and he just laughed at me and said all the girls are here to see Chris. I gave him a confused but frustrated look and I was about to retort but Chris comes up behind me.

"Hi," Chris says as he touches my lower back and I turn to look at him. He was shirtless, only wearing his ripped jean shorts with his black leather belt. His hair was down but a little on the wild side and he was slightly covered in some of the black dust that was everywhere.

"Oh sorry man I thought she was some groupie," The crew guy says and then walks away.

"A groupie...? I really fucking hope I don't look like a groupie," I say slightly offended and Chris laughs. He leans into me and presses his lips to mine and lingers for a few moments. I love it when he kisses me.

"Um... so did I miss much?" I ask as I pull away from him.

"Uh no... we just finished filming the stage part and now... we're over here filming in cancer dust... yay!" He says sarcastically which makes me laugh. I see Kim walking over to us from inside the factory while he lights up a smoke.

"I can tell you right now, if this doesn't kill me, I know this place will eventually," Kim says as he walks over which again makes me laugh.

"Hey Andi... how are ya?" Kim smiles at me.

"I'm good... hows the shoot going?" I ask.

"Meh... it's lame... whatever..." Kim says and puffs his smoke.

"Apparently Andi is our groupie... did you know she's a groupie?" Chris asks Kim.

"Really?" Kim says.

"Shut up," I giggle and tap Chris playfully on his chest as he laughs.

"Ok guys we just need a few more shots and that's it so come on, lets get this done!" The director Kevin Kerslake says as he tried to gather everyone up. Chris takes my hand and he leads me over to the room where they needed to grab the last shots.

A little bit goes by as I watch how they film the video. Kevin told them to do whatever came natural so there wasn't like a scripted way to film the video. Chris just went crazy, climbing up the wall and hanging from the pieces of steel frame that were exposed. He made it look so much fun.

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