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Seattle Washington The Central, July 20 1992

"Another shot Chris?" Jeff asks from across the table.
"Sure, why not?" Chris smiles. It was a couple of hours into the afternoon and everyone was having a good time. Chris and I sat in the booth with his arm around me, at the very back of The Central, close to the stage. Jeff ordered a 40oz bottle of Bushmills and slides a shot of whiskey in front of Chris and he downs it immediately, only flinching just a little. I look up at him and giggle at little as I peck at the basket of lattice fries that sat in front of us.

"What you think you can do better?" Chris jokes looking at me.
"I know I can," I smirk at him.
"Oh really? Is that a challenge?" He smirks back at me. Um, does he know who he's with?
"Jeff, can I have a shot please," I say turning to Jeff as I finish the fry I had and wipe my hands off on the napkin in front me.
"Oooooh Andi's gettin' serious now..." Kim pipes in, taking a drag of his cigarette.
"Very funny... just give me the shot will ya?" I say looking up at Jeff.
"Alright," Jeff says and pours me a shot first, slides it over, then pours Chris another one and slides it in front of him.
"On 3?" I ask holding the shot glass and looking at Chris.

"No, you go first," Chris raises his eyebrow at me, his eyes flicking over my body then back up to my eyes. I raise my eyebrow at him, then close my eyes and quickly exhale, raise the glass to my lips and I down it slowly, setting the empty shot glass back down in front of me and then looking back at Chris as if I just took a sip of water. Chris flicks his eyes over my body one more time, then downs the shot but still manages to flinch and sets the empty shot glass in front of him.

"Oooooh man, she showed you," Jeff laughs and Chris just gives him a look and shakes his head.

"You know, as an Irish girl myself, I am very offended that you can't handle our water," I joke, placing my hand on my chest for dramatic effect. Chris just continues to smirk at me and shakes his head. He's so adorable when I prove him wrong.
"Jeff? Shot," Chris says looking at me but sliding the shot glass back over to Jeff. He pours him another and slide the glass back over. I take another fry from the basket and take a bite as I turn back to look at him. Chris keeps his eyes on me and drinks the shot of whiskey, this time much slower and then sets the glass down in front of him. I keep my eyes on him as I watch him, waiting for his reaction but he doesn't flinch this time.

"Ooooh hooo... he figured out how to drink it," I laugh while everyone else makes jokes and laughs.
"You're asking for it, you know," Chris says still flicking his eyes over my body.
"What am I asking for?" I giggle. He leans in so smoothly, placing a kiss on my earlobe.
"This," He says in my ear and proceeds to attack my sides with tickling.
"Chris!" I yelp laughing as he continues to attack me. He laughs with me as some of the guys look in our direction and laugh.

"Chris! ok stop!" I squeal but he continues his tickle torture. Chris laughs but then eventually stops torturing me as I gently push him away.

"I love the sound of that laugh," Chris says leaning back into me and placing a kiss on my temple.
"Ugh... you drive me crazy," I giggle and tap him on his chest.
"Good," He chuckles. At that moment, I didn't care where we were and who saw me, I pulled Chris to me and pressed my lips to his. He was startled at first but then he began to respond to me as I started to suck his bottom lip, reaching up and touching his perfectly trimmed beard and playing with it as I move my lips with his. Chris apparently didn't seem to care who saw us either as he deepened the kiss, flicking his tongue against my top lip. After a few moments, I needed to catch my breath and I pulled away as he touched his forehead to mine, and just as our kiss ended, there was a flash from somewhere.

"What the fuck...?" Chris asks confused and Eddie slides over the polaroid from across the table.
"Don't get mad... I'm just trying out my camera..." Eddie laughs and starts taking more photos of everyone else.

Louder Than Love || Chris CornellWhere stories live. Discover now