The Know Theatre

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Portland, Oregon
January 30, 1989

It was a few weeks later and Soundgarden had gotten a gig at The Rainbow Tavern in California. I was so freaking happy for them since they had gotten a major label deal with A&M records and they finished recording their first major label debut for A&M a few weeks ago. They had started a little mini tour, up and down the west coast to test out the new material, then eventually Chris told me that they would be possible expanding their tour schedule, depending how successful the record does. I honestly think it's going to be amazing! Chris had played me a few rough cuts of the album, sort of like an early release, though the album wasn't due to be out until the fall. Soundgarden was still sort of under contract to fulfill their obligation to SST records so they were touring and promoting Ultramega OK still until the contract runs out in July, though they still featured some newer tracks off the album for A&M called Louder Than Love.

Chris had asked me to come out to California with him as he didn't want to be away from me for so long. I thought it was the sweetest thing and I was lucky enough to be able to book off some time from work to travel with him. I had never taken any vacation since I started at the clothing store and my boss was really accommodating to let me have some time off.  They didn't have a budget yet for a tour bus so all they had were 2 Large carry Vans, one to haul all of their gear and one for the band. I had no idea how I was going to travel with them but I hope the band will be fine with me going.

I had just finished packing what I would need. I try to pack lightly, cause I hate carrying things around with me. I carried my suitcase to the door and then went back into my bedroom to finish getting dressed to go. Chris was picking me up in a little bit so we could get a head start on the road.

I decided to leave my hair  down and curly, I threw on my Aerosmith T-Shirt that I had finally cut to style it, just like my Dead Kennedy's T-Shirt, the one Chris wrote on the inside of. I'm so glad his message never washed out. Then I threw on a pair of ripped skinny jeans, my silver studded belt, my silver studded wrist cuff and my Doc Marten's.

I finished styling my hair as best I could, I really hate curly hair on me, it never sits right which is why I just put it up in a bun, and then I head out to the living room. I make sure everything is turned off so that when Chris gets here, I can just head out the door with him. I grab my jacket with all my band patches on it, and set it on my suitcase. Suddenly there was a knock at my door. Without looking through the peephole I just open the door and see Chris as he flips his hair out of his face.

"Hi babe," He says so sweetly.

"Hi," I smile at him as he steps towards me and presses his lips immediately to mine. I move my hands up to either side of his face as his lips move with mine. We hadn't seen each other in a couple of days so I was really excited to see him. He attempted to pull away from me but I wouldn't let him and he giggled against my lips as I held him to me. He smelled so fucking good, the mixture of his leather jacket and his cologne just drove me crazy. I started to suck his bottom lip as he pulled me into him and his tongue flicked at my top lip. Fuck I want him so bad right now. He then pulls away from me and I touch my lips where he kissed me.

"Well that... was... um... Hi," He says as he tries to come back down to earth.

"Sorry... you just smell so good and... um... Hi," I say slightly dazed and he laughs a little. He moves towards me again and places a kiss on my forehead.

"You ready?" He asks with his lips against my forehead.

"Yep... I'm good to go," I say and he moves over to my suitcase.

"Ok... I'll just stick this in the van..." He says as he lifts up my suitcase and I take my jacket off it. He turns and walks down the steps and sets my suitcase in the van, I grab my bag and check and my jacket and walk out and lock the door behind me. As I walk down the steps, I see Chris walk around to the passenger side and he opens the door for me. I set my bag and my jacket in first and climb in and he closes the door for me.  He looked so cute in his Saint Vitus band T-Shirt with his ripped jeans and Doc Martens and well of course his leather jacket. He flips his hair out of his face and walks around to the driver side and hops in.

Louder Than Love || Chris CornellWhere stories live. Discover now