Slaves And Bulldozers

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Woodinville Washington,
March 28, 1991

Chris arrived back in Seattle just a few days later. He had to leave Andi to finish up recording Soundgarden's new album, Badmotorfinger. He didn't want to leave her but she insisted that she could make the arrangements with help from her aunt and that she would be back home in the next few days.

Chris felt guilty all the same. He had gone through losing friends so young and knows exactly what Andi is going through. He had never seen her breakdown the way she did which made him hurt inside for her. The only thing he can do is be there for her when she gets back and as for now, recording is what needs to happen.

The last of the recording sessions we taking place at Bear Creek Studios in Woodinville which was about a 30 minute drive out of Seattle. It was nestled in the heart of the forest  with tons of evergreens and a lake that ran along the shoreline of the studio. It is the perfect retreat to be creative.

Chris pulls up into the driveway of the studio and hops out of the truck. It was just him and Terry today, finishing up the last of the vocal tracks for the album. Before he heads inside, he takes out a smoke and lights it up, just enjoying the warmer spring air. He quickly finishes up his smoke and heads inside.

"Hey Chris how are ya?," Terry greets him at the door and they shake hands.
"Hey, good... I'm good,"Chris smiles at him.
"I'm sorry... Kim told me about Andi's mom... how's she doing?" Terry asks concerned.
"She's still pretty upset... she just had to stay back to take care of things before coming back home..." Chris says a little sadly, he missed Andi so much.
"I'm sorry man..." Terry says.
"Thanks..." Chris says and half smiles.

"Well... ready to finish up here?" Terry smiles.
"Yea... yea, let's do this," Chris smiles back and they head into the control room.


"Alright Chris... I think we got it," Terry says as he pushes the intercom button for the sound booth that Chris was in. Chris takes his headphones off and heads out to the control room.
"Fuck... that was awesome... you sounded awesome man," Terry says as Chris walks into the control room.
"I hope so... I kinda struggled on that last part...sometimes its weird to harmonize with myself... I don't know..." Chris says apprehensively.
"No man... it was good... fucking amazing even," Terry smiles at him. Chris smiles back at him and Terry taps him on the arm for re-assurance.

"So... we just have to get this mixed and it's done," Terry says.
"Cool," Chris smiles and suddenly there was a knock on the control room door. Terry gets up and opens the door to find Susan standing outside.

"Hi Terry," She smiles.
"Hey... I'm sorry I didn't know you were stopping by or -"
"Oh its ok... I just needed to talk to Chris," She says. Chris raises his eyebrow at her as Terry looks back at him a little confused.
"Uh sure..." Chris says and steps out into the lounge area with Susan.

"So... I know I would normally have you just come into my office but I wanted to catch you here... since I know your busy and everything..." She says as she reaches into her bag and pulls out an envelope. Chris looks at her a little confused as she hands the envelope to him.

"Go ahead..." She says as he looks down and rips open the seal.
"Holy shit," He says surprised as he pulls out a cheque. He had never seen that many zeros before. He looks back at her and she smiles at him. He strokes his chin with his palm trying to contain himself.
"Is this... for...?" He trails off.
"It's all of last years royalties and the advancement for the album." She smiles at him. He looks back down at the cheque and she can see a smile form across his lips.

"Um... thank you..." He says as he clears his throat and changes his expression to a serious one.
"Chris... it's ok to be happy about money... just enjoy it... you earned it," Susan says. She touches his arm as he looks at her and half smiles at her. She then turns and walks out of the Studio leaving Chris looking back down at the money in his hands.

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