Back In Town, An'a All New Friends

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Prague Czechoslovakia, Strahov Stadium
May 20, 1992

"Hey baby," Chris smiles at me as I walk over to him.
"Hi... where's Kim?" I ask as he leans down and places a kiss on my forehead.
"He's already heading over to the trailer... where were you?" He asks as he takes a drag of his smoke.

"I uh..."

Now, I didn't know what to say, but I figure I should just tell the truth. The last time something like this happened was when I met Eddie and it got weird. Even though we are all ok with it now but Chris never did find out what really happened with me and Eddie. I just don't want anything like that to happen again. I need to just come out with it.

"I ran into Axl..." I say as I look up at him.
"Oh cool," Chris says and takes a drag of his smoke.
"No, I mean I literally ran into Axl. I was walking back up here to get you and I wasn't looking and I walked right into him..." I explain. I figure the more details the better.
"Alright... well... are you ok?" He asks me with a chuckle and raises his eyebrow.
"Yea just a little embarrassed..." I giggle.
"Awe..." He giggles with me as he exhales a cloud of smoke.

"Um, but... we should head to the trailer for the next interview you have," I say as I look down at my planner.
"Alright baby... lead the way," Chris says as he takes the last drag of his smoke and butts it out on the ground. He then flips his beautiful dark curls out of his face as he follows me to the trailer, watching me from behind. I slightly turn to look back up at him and he quickly looks at me and smirks.

"Were you just looking at my butt?" I giggle.
"No..." He chuckles shyly and I turn away from him.

"Well maybe," He adds which makes me smile.


"... Are you feel like stars now?"
"No," Chris chuckles.

"And uh... are you working for to be star... are you going to be?"

"No, only true stars are like, dead rock musicians." Chris smiles sarcastically.
"Ursa Minor... various constellations..." Kim says at the same time as Chris.
"We want to be Wizards," Matt says from behind him. Once again the humorous sarcasm that I love is lost on this guy.

"Ok... and do you think that Faith No More for example... they are?"

"Not really... maybe, I don't know," Chris says flatly.
"Just the bass player Billy... He's a true star..." Kim smiles.

"Really...? You mean it seriously?"

"No I'm actually being quite sarcastic," Kim says sarcastically though he is really being sarcastic which is the best thing in the world.

"Can you define your music?"

"Yea could you do that?" Chris asks Kim with a slight smirk.
"Oh yea we came up with a pretty good definition yesterday... it was... it was uh, early 70's U.S muscle car driving through the prom... not to the prom but right through the dance floor of the prom... that's what it is," Kim trails off and looks at me with a smile while Chris smiles and laughs so cutely which makes me laugh. He's so damn good at this, Oh my god, it's hard to keep a straight face.

"So tonight show will be uh, really loud?"

"Yea," Chris nods

Louder Than Love || Chris CornellWhere stories live. Discover now