Power To The Music

753 22 5

Bremerton Washington, Lollapalooza July 22 1992

"Ugh..." Chris moans as the camera guy wires him up with a microphone. Matt and Ben were already sitting in their chairs in one of the large trailers that were made into a make shift dressing room. There was a large buffet table that held lots of snacks, a mini bar fridge that obviously held all the drink the guys would need but for some reason, Kim was nowhere to be found.

"Is Kim ok...? I didn't see him when we pulled up," I ask Matt as I close up my planner and set it down on one of the tables.

"Yea he's fine... he's in the back of the van... he's a little hungover from last night and wanted to take a nap..." Matt chuckles as he shifts a bit in his chair.

"Oh... ok then," I say. I've never known Kim to do that, but alright. Chris then gives me a quick kiss on my lips once the camera guy mic'd him up and moves over to his chair in between Matt and Ben. The young girl who was interviewing them was going over some things with the other camera guy and after a few moments she introduces herself to me as Gia and turns to the guys to introduce herself to them as well. She seems really sweet but very young and maybe a little... how should I say it...? Ditzy...? Chris immediately picked up on it and flashed me a look, raising his eyebrow at me and I know he's going to mess with her. I give Chris a look to tell him to go easy on her and he just winks at me. Oh, Chris... don't be mean.


"...and we were talking about something that maybe you guys don't wanna talk about..."
"Well..." Chris moans.

"You don't wanna talk about anything except for maybe cats..."
"Well maybe... uh you know what? We don't wanna talk about cats..." Chris chuckles.

"Well.... we gotta talk about Badmotorfinger a little bit... because thats the whole part of this promotional interview thing... to make people go out and buy the CD..."
"Ok well if they promise to buy it then we'll talk about it..." Chris points at the camera.

"Trust me many of them have already...."
"So this is pointless then..." Ben mumbles and I laugh.
"Well if you already bought it then you already know what there is to talk about and so there really isn't much point to talk about it cause it's already been talked about..." Chris says sassily and she stays silent not knowing how to take his statement, Oh girl... what did you get yourself into?

"What questions can we answer for you...?" Chris says after a few seconds of awkward silence.

"Well God... there are a lot -"
"Ok ask one," Chris cuts her off and laughs sarcastically.

"They're all obvious questions... obviously," She says trying to retort the sarcasm back.
"Ok what are they?" Chris smirks.

"Why don't I ask some questions the viewers want to know..." She giggles.
"Ok," Chris says flatly.

"Wendy in Laverne... wants to know... if you're really married and if you would say happy birthday to her,"
"Are these multiple choice?" Matt says quietly.

"Um... Ok," Chris says scratching his head slightly confused.

"Ok but you have to say happy birthday to her..."
"Ok," Chris says.

"But can I tell her that 'yes' you're really married?"
"Huh...? Can you what?" Chris asks again still looking confused.

"Can you tell her that 'yes' you're really married?"
"What does this tell you?" Matt says and lifts up Chris's hand as Chris looks at his wedding ring and all I could do was just stand there and try to not laugh.
"I guess so yea..." Chris says still looking at his hand and then glances over at me with a smirk and shakes his head.

Louder Than Love || Chris CornellWhere stories live. Discover now