The Velvet Underground

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Toronto Ontario, Canada
January 7, 1990

An hour later we arrive back in Toronto and drop off the rental car just down the street from the hotel we were staying at. Chris and I run up to the room and I needed to change into something less layered since we will be at a club and I don't want to get too sweaty. I take a quick shower and change into some black distressed leggings with my Doc Marten's I leave my hair down and curly and throw on my newly modified Pantera shirt that I had picked up in a thrift store in New York. It had the 'Cowboys From Hell' logo on the front with all the band members – Phil, Rex, Vinny and of course, Dime. Chris had changed as well, wearing his Nirvana muscle tank and again jean shorts with his Doc Marten's but I get it, he doesn't want to over heat either.

I checked the back to make sure I laced it properly like I usually do in the mirror, and Chris walks up behind me, placing his hands on my hips and leaning down into me brushing his lips across my earlobe.

"You look good baby," He says low and husky in my ear. I close my eyes and lean into him, feeling his soft lips graze against my skin. I wanted to wrap myself up in his arms and never leave. I smile to myself as his curls tickle my bare shoulder and I reach up and lace my fingers through his hair as he softly trails his lips down my neck.

"I need a drink, how about you?" I say quietly with my eyes still closed enjoying his lips on my skin.

"Sure," He says with his lips against my skin. I drop my hand from his hair and move away from him over to the mini bar fridge as he watches me pour a shot of Jack into a shot glass and another for him. I grab the two shot glasses and move back over to him and hand him the shot. He takes it from me and raises his eyebrow at me.

"Alright, I didn't know you were into shots now," Chris smirks.

"What? Are you kidding? Jack is the best when it's straight up," I say and he looks at me with a smirk.

"Uh huh..." He says skeptically. I knock back the shot and he watches me and I don't even flinch. It burns like heaven. He knocks back his shot after me a I see him make a bit of a face but he holds it.

"You were saying?" I say to him and he smirks at me again. He shrugs and looks at me dumbfounded a little that I didn't react to it burning me at all. I turn back to the fridge and pour myself another one. I look back at him and offer him another as well.

"Sure.. but that's it... I can't get too fucked up before the show..." He says and holds out his shot glass while I pour some more for him.

" Ok," I say as I turn to face him, clinking my glass to his and we both knock back our drinks. He still makes a slight face but I show nothing and turn back to set the glass on the table. I have to admit, those 2 shots did take the edge off a bit.


We arrive at The Velvet Underground early and head to the backstage area. The bar hadn't even opened up yet at it was still only 7pm. Chris finds our way back to the dressing room which consisted of a lounge area, a mini bar, and a full ensuite bathroom and shower. Kim walks in the door behind us and he greets Chris.

"Hey man," Kim smiles.

"Hey," Chris says.

"Andi!" Kim says excitedly to me and gives me a hug. He smells of beer and cigarettes mixed with his warm cologne.

"Hey" I laugh as he still hugs me while Chris walks over to the fridge for a beer and honestly I really needed this hug right now. I know Kim has no idea but a part of me wanted to crumble into a pile of broken pieces on the floor. Kim pulls away from me and smiles his biggest smile at me. He obviously has dipped into the beer this afternoon.

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