I've Been Deaf, Now I Want Noise!

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Seattle, Washington
January 10 1989

"Ok Chris, That's good for now,"

Chris removes his headphones, sets them down on the stool behind him and walks out of the isolation booth. He had just finished recording the last of the vocal tracking for album which is set for release by the fall.

"I don't know... I don't think I got that last part right," Chris says as he enters the mixing area where their producer, Terry Date was recording. Terry stops the Reel to Reel machine and rewinds the tape back.

"No man, it was perfect," Terry says as he cues the tape and starts it again. He then cued up the guitar track that Kim Thayil recorded earlier-Kim had just stepped out to grab some food- and attempted to combine them together roughly to give Chris and idea of how it would sound. Chris gives him a unconvinced look as Terry plays it back.

"Trust me, once it's mixed it will sound amazing,"

"I don't know man... you got my vocals sounding like they're trying to compete with Kim..." Chris says frustrated.

"Chris... trust me it'll sound better once it's mixed" Terry tries to re-assure him.

"I just don't want it to turn out like the way Ultramega OK did," Chris says.

"Chris... don't worry, I got you... here..." Terry says as he plays it back again and tweaks the mixing board a little. Chris started to relax. That was definitely better.  That's the thing about Chris, when it comes to work, it needs to be perfect. Chris nods and feels a little better though a part of him was worried it sounded too polished, anyways, Chris decides to walk outside to have a smoke. He leans against the wall of the studio and lights up an smoke. He flips his dark curly hair and squints his eyes as he takes a drag. He started to go over in his mind just how this was going to turn out.

"Hey," Kim says as he walks up finishing the last of his sandwich.

"Hey," Chris says and puffs his smoke.

"Did you finish the vocal tracking already?" Kim asks as he brushes the breadcrumbs off his black T-Shirt and lights up a smoke with him.

"Yep... Terry just has to get it mixed and it's pretty much done..." Chris puffs his smoke.

"That's awesome...This is gonna be good man... it went much smoother than the last time," Kim puffs his smoke.

"Yea... it did..." Chris smiles to himself. They stand in silence for a few moments.

"So you comin over tonight to jam with Hiro and Matt?" Kim asks as he puffs his smoke.

"Um... yea ... it might be a bit later... I uh asked Andrea... or I mean Andi  if she wanted to go out tonight," Chris says and puffs his smoke.

"Well fuck... bring her over too... we haven't even met her yet... you seem to be hanging out with her a lot," Kim smirks.

"Why...? are you jealous?" Chris jokes.

"Yes Chris I can't stand to be without you," Kim says sarcastically mimicking an unrequited love moment and Chris laughs.

"Alright... I'll ask her..." Chris laughs. They puff on their smokes for a little bit and then Kim breaks the silence again.

"So... you like her a lot don't you?" Kim asks. Chris looks at him and smirks and then looks back down at the ground.

"Yea... yea I really do..." Chris says thoughtfully and takes the last puff if his smoke and then butts it out on the ground.

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