Lights, Camera.... Action

832 20 8

Seattle Washington,
January 13, 1992

Scene 1 - The Off Ramp Cafe

A little while later we arrive on the movie set and the first scene that Chris was shooting was the club scene with the band. It was being filmed at the Off Ramp Cafe which was pretty cool since the guys have played here many times before. Since it was earlier in the day, the place was closed down in order to film the scenes that were to take place in the movie.

We walk into the Off Ramp Cafe and see lots of cameras set up to film the scene that Soundgarden was performing in. There were various stand ins and extras on the set as well filling up the main area in front of the stage.

"Chris! Hey glad you made it!" Cameron Crowe smiles as he walks up to us.
"Hi... thanks," Chris smiles so cutley and they shake hands.
"The guys are just backstage so really if you wanted to head back there you can," Cameron says as he pats Chris on the shoulder.
"Sure..." Chris smiles and Cameron walks away to make sure the filming goes smoothly. Chris takes my hand and we head back stage just like usual and see Kim, Matt and Ben waiting to head up to start.

"Hey guys," Kim smiles at us.
"Hey man... so... I guess we just wait back here?" Chris asks a little nervously.
"Uh... we're going up in a few minutes so we basically just perform like we normally least we don't have to act or anything," Kim says. Kim then moves over to me and gives me a hug.

"Hey Andi..." He says so sweetly.
"Hey," I smile back as he moves away from me.

"Ok guys! you can head on up we're starting the scene in a few minutes," A guy from the camera crew comes back stage and informs them. Chris turns to me and places a quick kiss on my lips as Kim, Matt and Ben head up onstage. Suddenly Chris decides to lift up his shirt over his head and hands it to me as his beautiful curls fall down around him.

"What? It's warm in here..." He smiles slyly at me.
"Uh huh..." I smirk as I raise my eyebrow at him. He gives me another quick kiss and then heads up on stage.


"....Aaaaand cut! ok that's good for now!" Cameron calls out over the P.A system and everyone cheers. I remained backstage for the entire performance and it was freaking amazing. Chris was crazy up there hanging from the rafters and just full of energy. God damn it I just love it when he does that. The guys head down off the stage while I wait for Chris to hand him his shirt.

"Hey Chris... cool set man," Layne says as soon as Chris reaches me he places another quick kiss on my lips as I hand him his shirt. Alice and Chains were also here to perform for a scene for the movie too. It was the first time I've seen Layne in such a long time.

"Thanks..." Chris says
"Hey Andi... how are ya?" Layne says so sweetly to me as he gives me a hug.
"I'm good..." I say as he lets go of me.
"Well I guess I should go find the rest of the guys..." Layne says as he taps Chris on the shoulder and walks passed us.

"Yea I think they're back in one of the dressing rooms," Chris calls after him.
"Cool... Oh hey, you still on for getting together to do some recording?" Layne asks as he turns back to face us, walking backwards towards the dressing rooms.
"Yea, just let me know..." Chris says.
"Cool..." Layne calls back then turns to head towards the dressing rooms. I look up at Chris a little confused.

"He was working on some stuff and asked me about recording with him... no biggie," Chris says and places a kiss on my forehead.
"You know as you're P.A... you are supposed to let me know these things," I try to sound serious but I end up breaking my character.

"Oh well... I guess you'll have to punish me then," Chris smirks at me with his eyebrow raised. I smirk at him as I playfully tap his bare chest. He laughs and places another kiss on my temple as we walk out to the main area.

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