Puttin' On The Ritz

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New York City, New York
January 5, 1990

It was the beginning of a new year and Soundgarden's album 'Louder Than Love' was doing pretty well. They had gotten decent exposure from MTV which were playing both videos, 'Loud Love' and 'Hands all Over'. Chris was still weirded out about the fact that they are starting to gain much more attention from the media but it was a slow and steady incline. He was happy how everything was going and the more exposure they got, the more praise they got from critics and fans.

Chris had moved to a new one bedroom apartment as the apartment that he once shared with Andy was just not for him any longer. Chris decided to move closer to me since I lived on the northeast side of Seattle. I was still working at the clothing store but I was slowly becoming, how do you say, bored with the same old thing... taking in new donations, hanging up new donations, cleaning the store and waiting for people to come in to buy. I was really wanting to try my hand at maybe designing and making my own clothes but I wasn't even sure how I would even go about that. I would even be satisfied if I just ran my own clothing store and then I could make things my own. Not have to answer to a boss. Set my own hours, though I know it would take up even more of my time if I ran my own business. These are things I really need to think about I guess.

Along with Chris getting a lot more exposure, Susan, Their manager, has been around a lot more, setting up dates for gigs, and handling a lot more stuff for Soundgarden. It's weird because she was hardly ever around before and now since the release of 'Louder Than Love', she's be taking a lot more of an active roll in managing them. She seems ok from what I can tell, but I'm trying not to feel intimidated. Her presence is always well known and I feel it through my body every time she's in the room with Chris and the band. It's like her and Chris share something that I have no idea about, but I know Chris would never do anything... right?

Chris had invited me to go with him to New York as they had a gig at The Ritz with Faith No More and Voivod. The had previously opened for Voivod a few months back in California and The guys from Voivod liked them so much, They asked Soundgarden to tour with them for 12 shows starting at The Ritz in New York and included a date in Toronto Ontario at the Velvet Underground. I was so excited to go with him, and I couldn't wait to see my mom since Chris suggested we make a stop in Peterborough since it was so close to Toronto.

I was nervous to go on a plane though. I hadn't been on a plane since I moved to Seattle which was now just over a year ago, but at least I would be with Chris. The last time, I was by myself and I was freaking out so bad, I had to get myself drunk just to relax.

Anyways, we arrived in New York and we immediately checked into the hotel room at The East Village Hotel, which was just up the street from The Ritz. We get to our room and set our bags down by the bed. I wanted to take a quick shower so that I can get ready for tonight. Chris had to immediately go and do soundcheck for the show tonight so I will just be meeting him there.

I get out of the shower and change into my black mini lacy long sleeve low cut dress, that hugged the curves of my body in all the right places, with my Doc Marten's and throw my hair up into a messy loose bun with some stray curls hanging down. I quickly do my make up and then head over to The Ritz to meet Chris.

I walk inside and the door guy says it's alright to head back around the backstage area. He opens the side door and tells me where to go to get to the dressing room area. As I walk down the hallway, I see a crew of people and a guy with a camera heading towards the dressing room from behind me. As I finally reach the dressing room, I knock on the door and it was Kim who answers.

"Andi!" Kim says excitedly.

"Hey," I smile at him and he gives me a hug. I walk in the dressing room as I pull away from Kim and see that the dressing room was really small. There was just a couch and a little mini bar fridge set up on a table and that was it. There was a small bathroom of to the one side and then an area that you could hang your clothes up if you wanted. It sort of looked like a locker room. Chris turns from the mini bar fridge and sees me as he flips his dark untamed curly hair out of his face. My heart fluttered as I look at him in his leather jacket, his red and white patterned button up shirt underneath, with his black baggy shorts and his Doc Marten's. I swear I will never stop getting butterflies every time he lays his beautiful blue eyes on me.

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