I Like Throwing My Voice, And Breaking Guitars

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Seattle Washington,
August 6, 1991

It was later on that afternoon and we made it back to Seattle safely. The plane that we took had separate seats from the rest of the guys so Chris didn't have a chance to tell anyone that we ended up getting married last night. Holy shit!  I still can't believe we did that. I'm hoping no one will be disappointed that we did that and didn't tell anyone or invite anyone. I just need to stop stressing about it.

I was busy in our bedroom getting ready trying to figure out what to wear while Chris was downstairs in the studio doing his thing. I could hear him every once and a while and I love hearing him no matter what he's doing down there.

I figured I would go with my usual cut up band shirt and ripped jeans. I cant help it I'm a metal chick through and through. I decide to go with my Behemoth shirt that I got on the first date that Chris and I ever went on. That Behemoth concert changed my life forever. That was the night that I fell in love with him and here we are. who would've thought?

I check myself in the mirror, buckle up my silver studded belt and adjust my shirt to make sure it looked perfect with my ripped jeans and Doc Martens. I slap on my silver studded wrist cuff on my left hand and catch a glimpse of the rings on my finger which gave me those fluttery butterfly feelings inside. I smile to myself and then look at myself in the mirror and quickly throw my hair up in a messy ponytail with some curls escaping to frame my face.

I then make my way downstairs and head down into the studio to see Chris sitting on his swivel chair with his acoustic and playing as he scribbles on the scraps of paper strewn about him.

".... Dead on my feet while my nightmare walks
I fell asleep where the freeway talks
Suffer to swim and dying to sink
These things in the air they will make you think
Make you think, make you think..."

As I reach the bottom of the stairs, the sound of his beautiful voice fills the room while he plays this Sabbath sounding riff, the heaviness of it even though it was on an acoustic, I could feel through my whole body. It seriously gave me chills.

"Hi baby," He says when he sees me walk over to him.
"Hi... what you working on?" I ask as I move closer to him.
"Uh... just this riff that Kim came up with and I thought I'd try some lyrics to it..." He says as he sets the guitar down and leans it against the desk.
"Well whatever that was... it sounded heavy... really dark... I like it," I say as he pulls me into him to stand between his legs and smirks at me while he locks his beautiful Irish blue eyes on mine.

His hair that rested well passed his shoulders was still damp from his shower and even though he was in his ripped jean shorts, his Doc Martens with his suede leather wrist cuffs on each wrist, he still had not put on his shirt yet. I for one, don't mind at all. He looked so fucking amazing with his perfectly trimmed beard and his small silver hoop earrings, slightly poking through his dark hair.

"I hate to break you away from what you're working on... but we should head out..." I say as he moves his hands to my hips and up my back under my Behemoth shirt, his fingers skipping across my skin.
"Yea I know... thank fuck it's only and hour drive away and we can just come back home after," He says as he rests his head against my stomach and I thread my fingers through his hair, playing with his curls.

"You ok?" I ask, playing with his hair after a few moments of silence.
"Yea... I'm just tired... I'm ok," He says and moves his head away from me, moves his hands to the bottom of my shirt, lifts it up and places a kiss on my stomach causing me to giggle.
"Chris... that tickles," I laugh and he chuckles a bit as he pulls away and I pull my shirt back down.
"Ok... let's get outta here," He smiles and pats my hip for me to move to let him up from the chair and I follow him up the stairs out of the studio.

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